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Lilly's POV
So today David had to film a YouTube video so he woke me and Alex. I groaned and got out of bed. " did you really have to wake me up I was comfortable. Why did we even give you a key?" I said looking up at David " yes we had to film this video and it's because Liza's is still my girlfriend ".  He smirked and I shut up. " I quickly walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked up at my greasy hair and put dry shampoo in it. " Lilly we are going to go to are house for the vlog so hurry up" I heard David shout. As I did my makeup Alex's came In to brushed his teeth. After he was done he kissed me on the forehead and said " you look better without makeup babe" " Alex's but I like makeup" he frowned and said " okay you look pretty no matter what though" he walked out and so did i but I turned into my room.

I through on some leggings and a comfy sweater and put my hair up in a topknot. For those of you who don't know I have glass/ Contacts but I wore my glasses today.

We left for David's house. When we arrived Alex's and David started to do the video. Alex's was screaming at the camera and breaking things I laughed a little and he turned his head. He started to yell at me and called me names. I knew he was just doing for the bit but it still made me tear up.

After a couple more seconds I could take it. I burst out into tears and ran out I hear David yell me name and Alex's ran after me. I got into the elevator before he could and got an uber. I got into the uber and got a text from Alex's
Alex's💞~ Lilly what's wrong? Baby girl I love you and I'm sorry for yelling😭💞
Me~ I know. I'm not mad but I had to get away from that. I love you babyboy 💞😘

I walked into my apartment after the 30 minutes uber ride. The guy made a left turn instead of a right so I got there later than I expected. I walked into a room filled with fairy lights and a handsome boyfriend waiting for me.

I walked over and hugged him. He whispered into my ear " I will never do that again baby girl I love you"

" I love you too"

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