Getting ready

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Lilly's POV
We got to Liza and it was huge. I love it. She show me my room and I loved it even more. It was white room with a queen sized bed. The bed had a bright blue comforter on it. And the closet was so big. I turn to David as he was moving in boxes and said " I can't wait tell we go shopping it's going to be so fun. I so happy I get to be down here with you." I hugged David and smiled. My brother had been there for me no matter what and the only bad thing about it is that he is really overprotective of me. He always wants to talk with my boyfriends. But he doesn't have to worry about it because I'm single as ever.

After we had all the boxes in my room David turned to Liza a Said that he would be here at 5:00 which Gave us 3 hours to get ready. He hugged me and kissed Liza. Liza hugged Alex. I just said thank you. As much as I have him he still helped me move in. As soon as they left, me and Liza started to get ready. I've never had a older sister so it was fun for me. We connected to her Bluetooth speaker and played some music. I got into the shower and washed my hair and my body. After I got out I started to do my hair. I blow dry it and then put it into double French braids. I started my makeup. I put water Proof stuff on because I was going to swim. I didn't put a lot on. I put on concealer, power, bronzer, highlighter, waterproof mascara and Chapstick.

I walked to Liza bathroom and asked her if I could get the swimsuit I would be wearing and I also asked if I could wear something. To my surprise she told me to pick what ever I want. So I walked over to her dresser and grabbed some high waisted shorts and a Adidas shirt. I also grabbed a pair of black Bikini shorts and a lavender color Bikini top. I got dressed and David texted Liza that he was here. I was just praying he didn't bring Alex.

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