A scene from out of a movie

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Lilly's POV
Me and Liza we're getting ready to go to the movie at Zanes. " it's really cool they set up a projector in the backyard and then you can sit wherever you want you could even throw in the pool and watch the movie" Liza said doing her make up. " that sounds so cool but I don't think I'm going to swim today I mean I already got thrown in the pool once" me and her started to laugh. I grabbed a romper an a chunky Sweater. For make up I put on foundation, concealer, powder, a little bit of eyeshadow, eyeliner to give me a cat eye, mascara, blush, bronzer, highlighter, and a nude liquid lipstick. I curled my hair. I started to to take some selfie's when I was waiting for Alex to pick me up. I thought I looked really cute. I got a text from Alex to come outside because he was here. I hugged Liza and walked outside. " hi beautiful " he said like always he is so confusing. I want to know if he likes me or not. " hey handsome" is that our thing because i love it.

We started to Drive. I love car rides with Alex. All we do is lip sing and dance. Today I played just a little bit of your heart by Ariana grande. He stopped singing and just smiled. I look at him and he looked back. I turned my head and smiled to the floor. He made me have butterflies In my stomach. I think I was falling for him. We pulled up to Zanes and Alex grabbed my hand. We started to walk in. Everyone looked at us then everyone at the same time said " CAN YOU DATE ALREADY" I look at the floor and smiled. We walked outside and it was beautiful

It had Christmas lights hanging from the tree. Pool floaty's in the  pool. There was a ladder so you could sit on the roof. And there was just blankets everywhere so you could sit on the ground. And the projector was huge. It made everything so pretty. Me and Alex decided to sit on the roof. I walked inside to get a blanket and I saw toddy. " hey pretty girl" I just kept ignoring him I walked back outside and climbed on the roof. I saw Alex and he smiled. The movie started and everyone was having a good time. I saw David and Liza  cuddling. And I realize I was cuddling with Alex. At the last 5 minutes of the movie I looked up at Alex. I need to know if I liked him. He looked down at me. Boom me and him kiss. Fireworks were going of in my head. We pulled back. And cuddling some more. I think i really do like him

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