It's a surprise

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Lilly's POV
I got inside and put my bags down. I was going to put them away tomorrow. Because it was 5:00 and Alex was getting me at 7:00. I didn't know what we were doing. He told me it was a surprise. I was excited but nervous. I haven't been on a date since I was 16. My ex was cheating on me. For 5 months. I found out and I was devastated. I didn't know what to do. David beat the crap out of him tho. So I'm pray Alex doesn't make David mad. Like I said David was really protective. And sometimes that's not always a bad thing. It can get embarrassing when people come up to you and say did your brother beat him up?

I had to get ready tho. I took a shower. And let my hair air dry. For makeup I put a simple but elegant look on. Which was my favorite. Didn't want to be too dressed up but I didn't want to be to dressed down because I didn't know what we're doing. So I walked over to my closet where all my bags were. I picked out a little purple Dress that was looser and it was a tank top so I may be cold but hey it was cute.
I put on my tan wedges And quickly curled my hair.

I was ready. I walked outside to see Alex my beautiful dart with a Bouquet of roses. I was being a fan girl in my head. " y-you lo-ok, you-r jus-t, wow" he could barley speak. " go on" I laughed. " your just so beautiful and gorgeous. How did I get so lucky?" I started to blush and tried to hide my checks. I go into the car and played just a little bit of your heart by ariana grande. I thought to would be cute. I was looking out the window and smiled when I saw the fair. " a Carnival?" I said excitedly. " yeah I thought it would be just like us, you know low-key cute" I almost started crying. I was so happy.

The first thing we did was go on the zero gravity. " this was my favorite ride when I was a kid" I was actually 4 years old when I first came to a fair. " well everything is up to you today" he said. He was so sweet. Then we walked over to a game. I saw a unicorn stuffed animal and fell in love. Alex won it for me. " what should I name it? I was thinking about naming it after this really cute guy I meet" he turned to me and said " when that guy will be pretty upset when he finds out you're taken" oh my load he is so sweet. The last thing we did was go on the Ferris wheel. The whole time we just talked. We played 20 questions. He asked me what was my favorite color I said purple. His favorite color is blue. And I don't think I'll ever forget that. Alex and I got to the top. He look my in the eyes and kissed me. I feel so happy. I'm just happy with his. On our way to the car he gave me his Jacket. " I can have my baby get a cold." He took me home.  And the last thing he said to me was " hey Lilly" " yes Alex ?" " I think I love you" " don't worry I love you too" he kissed me on the forehead and I got out of the car. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Maybe this would be a great relationship.

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