Love is love

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Lilly's POV
Alex told David that we were dating. Alex said that David was okay with it. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he is okay with it but I thought that he would at least text me about it. He has said nothing about it to me. Alex and I are going to dinner tonight. I have to get ready.

I wanted to look a little better than when we went to chipotle. I kinda looked like crap. So me and him were going at 6:30. And it was 4:00 so I decided to get ready. I Got a show. I got out and started to play some music. I played overwhelming by Jon bellion. Sometimes that song describes me. I feel like sometimes Alex is overwhelming well at least are love. And that's not a bad thing. Me and him seem perfect. Perfectly perfect. He makes me happy. Anyways I brushed my hair and blow dried it. I painted my Nails and did my makeup. I walked over to my closet that was finally finished and pulled out a couple of dresses and got Liza. " oh who is the hot date" I looked up at her and laughed " I going on a date with Alex " ooooooo get it" as soon as she said that it made me laugh even harder. Liza and I did some serious thinking but finally picked a white dress with laces detailing. I put on a ring David picked out for me. I glad David is okay with me and Alex dating. It makes me happy he likes my boyfriend.

I got a texted from Alex to come outside. I put hair spray In my curly hair and walked out.

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