Liza and I

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Lilly's POV
I woke up to the perfect boyfriend. I was nestled into his chest. I wanted to get up but I didn't want to wake him. I guess he caught me staring at him. So he said " staring is rude " his eyes were closed and his nose was scrunched up. It was to cute.
" no it's not. It romantic" we both laugh and got up.

David walked into the room with his camera. " ooohhhh what happened here" he turned of the camera and told us breakfast was done. They had eggs and bacon with toasted. I finished it and David said that Liza wanted to go out with me today so I got dressed. I put on the clothes from yesterday because that's all I had until I got home. I hugged David and kissed Alex.

I got home and liza asked me where I want to go. Of course I told her let's go shopping. Today was a girls day. Honestly we needed it. We both love are boyfriends but we are always with them. Liza's like a big sister to me so I was happy it do this.

" hey are you ready Lilly" Liza said getting his keys. I nodded my head and we walked out to the parking lot. We got in and played some music. We played no scrubs by TLC. It was the song we always played when we were together. We were having a ~fake video~ . We acted like we were  A music video. It was so make fun.

We arrived at the mall and walked in. It's nice not having a camera in are face. We walked into a couple stores and picked a couple things. I got this really pretty tight blue dress with lace detailing but only at the top. Liza got the in red. Red was really her color.

I got a text from Alex's because he missed me and Liza's go one from David. We ended up leaving. But today was so fun and needed.


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