Alexs chapter

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Alex's POV
I woke up this morning. I texted Lilly good morning like always. I think she loves getting those. I texted her that since she got to have a girls day yesterday me and David were going to have a guys day.
She said okay but she told me I better not be cheating. I told her I wouldn't and that I loved her.

How could I cheat on her. She is perfect. Lilly is the best girlfriend I've ever had. I never thought I would find someone like her. But I did. That's all that matters.

I walked out and got ready with didn't take me long.
I decided to go to the kitchen and get some breakfast. I was pretty hungry but I don't know what for. I looked around and saw a box I had a note on it so I opened it and read it.

" dear Alex, knowing you you don't know how to cook, you normally don't know what you want to eat, and you're probably hungry if you're reading this at 10:30 so I bought you a box of  bars granola bars. I got to keep my man fed. Love Lilly"

She is the sweetest. I picked one up and realized it was my favorite flavor. I feel like she knows everything about me like we're the same person. David and I walked out to his  Tesla. We decided today to go shopping because why not. We wanted some new clothes and maybe we could find something for our girlfriends.

When we got there we walked into the Nike store. I got a shirt and David bought some new shoes. I ended up buying a dress and a necklace for Lilly. the dress was light purple. her favorite color.

Before we left David asked me one more question "do you really love Lilly because she's my sister and she's my world her in lies are my girls and if anything happened to them I would be so sad so do you love  her" I looked at the ground and smiled just hearing her names lights up my day.
" David you don't have to worry about me loving your sister because it's more than love. it's like a fire that will never die or the sun hasn't stop shining. I love her more than you can imagine and I'm so happy that you're okay with this"

And after I said that we left. I can't believe how in love I am. I've never done this with any other girl. That's the thing she's not like any other girl.

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