The aftermath

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Lilly's POV
I woke up to see that my boyfriend was gone. So I got  up and put on my jeans from yesterday and one of his maroon shirt. I walked out into the living to see that my boyfriend was making breakfast for me.
" hey baby, are you wearing my shirt " I giggled " maybe" he Grinned " you look great"

We kissed and I asked what he was making. " eggs and pancakes your favorite" I looked at the ground and smiled. Then I started to cry. I got a flash back to when I saw Alex's faces after toddy kissed me.
He lifted up my chin. " babe what's wrong" for awhile I couldn't speak. When I tried nothing come out. I don't know what was wrong with me. He said it was fine. But is it really?

He kissed me on the forehead " was wrong please don't cry baby. I feel terrible whenever you cry" I looked up at him and said " it's not you it's me every time I look at you I see that faces you had after you saw toddy kiss me.and I love you and feel so terri-" once again I got cut off by his lips. But this time it was like the first time we kissed. So soft but so perfect. "
"Baby I love you and I'm not mad at you"
" I know I just I just feel so terrible I love you so much"  he led me to the table pulled out a chair. He gave me my breakfast and gave me a light kiss on my head. " you look so pretty right now"
Him saying that just made me giggle " baby you already said that" he  looked up from across the table and said " it's not my fault you always look good"

you told me were going to do something fun. He drop me off at me and Liza's apartment. he said I had an hour to get ready and I could wear jeans. I was so excited.

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