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Lilly's POV
Me and Alex got into his car and it was quite the whole time. I can't believe I was to scared to kiss him. I mean on one hand my brother tells me he is no goo but on the other I really really like his. His kinda like my best friends right now and I'm not sure it I wanted to mess that up. But I'm also not sure if I wanted to no take a chance. What if he really likes me and doesn't hurt me. I mean there is always a chance someone will hurt you no mater who you date. I feel like I should tell him how I feel. But the sad part is I don't know how I feel I want to date him but I don't. Why can't I just make up my mind. I guess I'll have to thing about it. We are all going over to zanes later to watch a movie so I guess i have in tell them to think about things. "Alex drops me of at Liza do I can get ready for zanes" he laughed " okay Beauty queen" he pulls up to the garage. And I hug him and hop out. " I see you later?"

Authors note
Sorry for the short part. It was kinda just a filler. Hope you just like the story so far💞

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