Losing control

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Lilly's POV
Me and liza walked out to the parking garage towards the car. David press the button on his queue so the door would open for us. I forgot that the car did that so I got scared. And everyone started laughing at me. " guys stop laughing" I pouted as I got into the car. Alex put his arm around me. " Babe we're not laughing at you were laughing with you" I giggled " no you're not because I wasn't laughing before"

We all laughed and start heading down the road. I loved playing music it cleared my mind. So I took auxs cord. I played In the name of love by martin garrix. I started looking at Alex and singing to him. He Snapchat of me. After this song he kissed me on the four head lightly. " toddy is in there so i'm going to be with you the whole night. And I swear Lilly if he tries thing I'm going to beat him up"

I nervously nodded and got out of the car. I was nervous that toddy would do something. But more worried that Alex would do something worse.

When we got in we greeted everyone. I hugged Zane. And walked out to the pool. Alex jumped in and splashed me with water. I chuckled and I got it. After a little I got up to get a drink. Alex looked up and said " where are you going miss" I gave him a sarcastic look and said " just getting a drink we haven't seen him so I don't think he's here I'll be ok"

I blew him a kiss and walked into the kitchen. As I was pouring my drink I felt on his hand on my shoulder. " hey baby you're making me lose control" before anything happened I spring into action. Scream for Alex as he came running in. " you beat me up last time so why are you calling your weak pathetic boyfriend to come do it for you this time" toddy said.

" he's not pathetic the only person who's pathetic is you. So get a girlfriend and harass her instead of me" Alex's hand started to tighten into a fist. " i'm trying to but the only problem is the girl won't date me back. So Lily can you date me already" he gave me a smile and before I knew anything Alex jumped at toddy and punched him in the face.

" I think you just like getting beat up stay away from my girlfriend I know my girlfriends cute and you'll never get someone like that I don't hit on mine or next time is gonna be 10 times worse" Alex screamed in toddys face. I yelled for David as he came rushing in. He broke up the fight and said " men can someone not throw punch in this house for once"

Toddy got kicked out this time so that we could enjoy the party. After everyone went inside to dry off Alex get me outside. He got a ladder and we climbed onto the roof.

" this is the place for your first kiss me" he said with a sweet smile. For the rest the night we cuddled. We cuddled on the roof. We cuddled in the car. And we cuddle that Liza's apartment. The last thing I said to him before I fall sleep was " I love you so much babe "

He looked at the ground and then back up at me
" I love you too"

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