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Lilly's POV
So Today I wake up at 10:00 and the first thing I she is a text from David.
Big brother💞- want to go to target with me and Liza?
Me- I would love too. I'll start getting ready with Liza.
Big brother💞- okay see you later.
I pull myself out of bed and go to the shower. I didn't shower last night so pool water is still in my hair. I get out and walk over to Liza's room because we still haven't gone shopping. I just gabbed some high waisted jeans and a shirt that said Nike on it. I got back to my room and did my hair and makeup. I put on my shoe and walked to the living room. " so how was your first day in la" Liza said walking over to my giving me a cup of coffee. " it was great. But Liza how did you know you liked David?" I asked because I was thinking of Alex the whole time last night. I don't know why but I can't get him out of my head. " well I knew because what ever I did I would think of him" the words she said made me think about Alex and me i don't know what to do. Liza go a text from David so we walked down stairs.

I saw Davids car and the car from yesterday so I knew Alex's was here. I walked over to his car and got in. " good morning beautiful" he said to me. " well hi there handsome" I don't know why I was do this but it was cool for a change. Alex's hands me the aux cord and I started to play  fake love by drake. I was dancing and again just having a good time. By the time we got to target my whole play list ended. Liza and David walked around marking puns for the video and my and Alex's just walked around. I had to pull as hard as I could to get him to the makeup part of the target. " why are we going to the makeup" " because I need it" he wasn't walking so I let go of him and walked over there myself. He walk with me and we looked at makeup. I tripped over something and fell. Alex helped me up and are lips were just inches away from each other. I was about to lead in and kiss him but I got scared. " umm are you-u ok-ay" he said I think he was trying to forget about it too. " I'm okay thank you for helping me up"

I should have kissed him. Im a idiot. His so cute. Just why.

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