Slow and Secret?

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Alex POV
I can't believe she kissed me. The girl I thought hated my 3 days ago just kissed me. Alex Ernst is the man. I'm going to talk to her about it today. So I'm going to invite her to come to lunch.

Lilly's POV
Alex✨- hey want to go get lunch today?
Me- I would love too💞
Alex✨- okay see you at 1:00
I think Alex's wants to talk about the kiss. I loved the kiss. It was perfect. But idk if we should date. I mean what if David finds out. My I should just tell him that I want to take it really slow. And by slow I mean slowwwwww. But it's going to be okay. I look at my phone and it was 12:30 and I only had 30 minutes to get ready. I got up and double French braided my hair. I put on my red and white striped t- shirt dress. I already had my makeup done so I put on my shoes and waited by the door.
Alex✨- I'm here baby girl💞
Me- okay be right down💜

I walked in the parking garage and saw David's Tesla. I got in and saw Alex. " I decided to take you in the cool car" he said to me. " why is it because I cool?" " you know it". I grab the aux cord and played Carolina by aminé. Alex was snapchat me dancing because the tesla can Drive its self. It was funny because I can't dances. We finally pulled up and chipotle. " oh my gosh you know me so well" I said laughing. " got to take care of my favorite girl" he said. We walked In and ordered. " okay so you probably know why I invited you here" he said " yes it was about the kiss and I don't know if you just wanted to be friends but I really lik-" he cut me off " Lilly I really like you too. I was so happy when you kissed me. But if we date I want to take it slow" I was so relieved when I here this. " I could not agree more" " okay so this is not are first date we will go somewhere else how about tomorrow at 7:00" he said " it's a date but should I tell David?" " no I would like to tell him" " okay"

He took me home. I was so excited. And in love

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