The mistake

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Lilly's POV
I woke up this morning to Liza. She just gotten home I guess. She looked at me and said " he girl I missed you" " I missed you too I can't believe your home"
I was so excited to see her she was one of my only friend that's a girl. She understands. " by the way Lilly because I'm home Zane is having a pool party"
I got excited and told her I'm going. " okay we are meet Alex and David they by the way we are leaving at 3:00"

I looked at the clock and it was 1:00. I decided to get ready because I wanted to look really good. I took a shower and washed my hair. I hoped out and did my makeup. It was really good for only using water Proof products. By the time I was done with my makeup my hair had dried. I put double French braids In. I walked out and asked want she thought and she said I was slaying so I was happy. I got dressed and got my swimsuit and we headed out.

I was satisfied by everything in la so far. I had my brother, my BestFriend and my amazing boyfriend. I don't know what would make me more happier. I forgot who the old, shy, and rude person I was. I couldn't believe everything. And the feeling of freedom is amazing.

We got to zanes and Liza walked over to David. I started to look for Alex but I couldn't find him. I looked everywhere but I just couldn't find him. So I walked over to David to ask him where Alex was. " where is Alex I can't find him" he looked up and said " I don't know did you check outside by the pool?"

" no I didn't think anyone was out there but I'll got check right now thanks David" I walked towards the door and to the pool. I look around but still couldn't find him. I felt like someone was watching me so I turned around. It was toddy so I backed up. " come on baby why so shy?" He look and my with a smirk. " get away for me toddy" I keep back up and without me knowing I back myself to far. I was against the fence. He held my hands so I couldn't move. " i don't know why you dating that loser Alex you should be with me"

I couldn't say anything so I started to scream. I got cut off by his lips. He kiss me. I kicked him off and David came out. Him being my brother he punched him in the faces. I looked up and saw Alex's. he looked so hurt. I know he didn't see the whole thing. I called his name but he walked away and I started crying.

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