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Lilly's POV
I feel like I haven't really seen la. I've been her for a month and the only thing I do is stay home or go to zanes. And it's fine I'm not complaining. I just want to see what's out there for me. It's beautiful here. I got out of bed and took a shower. I put my hair into messy bun. My make was simple it was just concealer, powder, highlighter, eyebrows, mascara and Chapstick. I walked over to my closet but I heard the door open. I heard no one talk so I thought it was Liza back from getting the Mail. I turned around and boom alexs scared me. I screamed. Liza and David ran to my room. "LILLY ARE YOU OKA-, oh hey Alex" David said as he started to laugh with his camera in my faces. " not funny guys" I started to pout. " babe it was kinda funny. And stop pouting your to pretty to pout" instantly I blushed.

When David and Liza left my room Alex asked me why I was getting ready. " who are you getting cute for?" " myself I'm just kidding I'm going to walk around la I've been here for what feels like forever and I still haven't seen the city" I walked in the bathroom to get dressed and I heard Alex's say " oh okay can I come with you?" " definitely "

We walked outside and he walked towards his car but I pulled him away. " no we are walked today"  he chuckled " okay whatever you want baby." I started to see all of the beautiful buildings and city. I really loved the beach. I think it's one of the most perfect places every. So that's were Alex's and I walked too. We are lunch on the beach. " I have a question" I started to talk to Alex's about toddy. Yesterday was eating me up inside. It made my stomach hurt. It just doesn't feel right. " what's up babe"

" okay so yesterday when you walked up to toddy and I , he wasn't talking. He was flirting with me. He was about to pin me against the wall but you walked over so he stopped. I didn't know what to do but it was eating me up and I had to tell someone." I saw Alex Tighten his jaw. He was angry. I was scared he was going to get up and beat up toddy.

" oh did he really" he said that in a calm but still angry voice. It was kinda cute how protective he was of me. " yes , but please don't say anything I think he well stop so don't worry I just wanted to tell you"

" thank you for tell Me" he kissed me on the forehead. We walked home so we could watch movies. We decided to go to his apartment because we are always at mine.

We watched mean girls. And we were laughing all night when I got tired I laid my head on his arm. He said That Liza had Clothes in Davids room so I put on pjs in the bathroom. I feel asleep and his chest. And it was perfect

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