Shopping for clues

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Lilly's POV
Last night after Davids I called an uber an went home. I was tried and wanted to sleep in my bed. I woke up the next morning and walked out to make breakfast.

Liza's looked at me in a weird faces. I started to laugh. " hey I going to Davids today want to come?" I nodded and grab some cereal and headed to my room. I got ready and I thought I looked pretty good.

I walked out. " you ready to go?" Liza's said looking at her phone " yep let's roll"

We got into the car and drove to Davids. I walked in and hugged my boyfriend. " hey babygirl how are you"

He put his arm around me. " I'm great and how is my babyboy?" He chuckled " I also great also you want to go to the mall"

I nodded because I love the mall. Liza's and David ended up staying home. I was kinda happy because I wanted to be alone with my boy. I wanted to buy something for Alex's because tomorrow is are 11 month anniversary. I was so happy I loved him with all my heart. I never thought that Alex's Ernst would be my boyfriend. The guy I hated I turned out to love. And all the challenges we've over came. Like toddy or corrina.

We got into the car and listen to music. Alex's was acting different. He just seem nervous. But not bad nervous it was hard to explain. When we got there we both agreed to split up and go shopping for each other. I looked around because I wanted to find the perfect thing.

I saw his favorite store and walked in. I looked around and saw a pair of shoes that Alex's wanted for a long time. So I decided to purchase the shoes and a shirt for him. I thought he would really like it.

I met back up with Alex. We exchanged hugs. I saw that he also had a bag from my favorite store so I got really happy. We drove back to my places. We cuddled and watched a ton of movies.

It was 12:00 am so I decided to go to sleep as well as him. We cuddled up and drifted off. I really loved this boy and I'm pretty sure nobody could change that.

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