Not strange

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You know that moment in your life when you sit and listen to your father babbling about what seems like forever? I'm in that situation currently, dad is talking about something so not strange.

" I'm getting married" dad announced.
I stared at him in shock, wondering if my ears were producing sounds automatically. Dad just divorced his sixth wife in four years. Please help! seems I'm about to suffocate in my ears.

"What!" I screamed.

"Pumpkin, I know right, I just had a divorce and I'm about getting married again." Dad said smiling at me. I smiled back. I'm just kidding, I frowned the more.
"Are you happy for me?"he asked.
"Of course dad, its your specialty remember?"
I stood up to leave.

" If you don't mind dad, I have better things to do than listen to this gibberish." I straightened my dress as I turned to leave his study room.

" Tiffany, your attitude is becoming  worst everyday and I don't think your mum would like it if she were here." he blurted and I scoffed.

" Don't you dare talk about mum, when was the last time you visited her grave?" I asked him with teary eyes.

"I...uhm..." He stuttered and I looked at him in disbelief.

" That's what I thought."
I stormed out of the room banging the door so hard that it could give him a heart attack.

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