Babysitting Alvin

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Chloe's POV.

I heard Ben say he was attracted to girls with white hair. Mine was black which means he wasn't attracted to me. I like Ben a lot but I'm afraid he doesn't feel the same way about me.

I made an appointment with my hair stylist so as to have a hair makeover. I've never done this for anyone but here I am, looking all good for Ben.

What broke my heart the most is Tiffany. I wish she wasn't related to Ben but then, life has a way of pinching us in the ass, maybe to remind us our lives ain't perfect.

I am determined to make my relationship with Ben work and I hope Tiffany doesn't get in the way or I might crush her into pieces.

I've never felt this way before. Yes I've dated a thousand times but they meant nothing to me. Ben isn't the most handsome guy in the world but as they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. He is handsome than the devil himself, I heard the devil is beautiful.

I skipped morning exercise just to look good for him, I went to the beauty salon dyed my hair white. The outcome was beautiful but then, I am tensed.

What if he doesn't like it? I asked myself.

I didn't know I gripped the steering so hard till my hands hurts. At this point, I wasn't sure I made the right choice. A lot of things hovered through my mind and I couldn't help but think of the negative outcome of event. I heaved a sigh.

Be positive. Positive thoughts equals a positive life I tried to calm myself.

Tiffany's POV

Morning exercise wasn't great but it was better than that of yesterday. Chloe was absent and I wonder why, was she sick or something?
No one seemed to know the reason for her absence, not like I cared.

We walked into the dinning for breakfast after the hours of torment. We were having fruits for breakfast and it was fine by me but I don't know about the hungry looking boys in the room, who frowned at it but didn't say a word.

"Morning everyone." Chloe walked in energetically. "Sweet lord! What happened to your hair?" Chloe's grandma asked.

All eyes were on Chloe and I found her hair fascinating.

"Uhm... I need a new look?" She said, more of like a question, before sitting next to me.

"Hmm... I can sense something." Annie said, shoving a banana into her mouth.

"Ooh me too!" Bruce and Carly said in unison, giving each other a high five afterwards.

"I'm lost guys, did anything interesting happen last night after I left?" I asked.

"Yea, Ben said he likes girls who possess blonde hair." Perry replied. Katherine and Dad choked on their fruit.

"Did you dye your hair because of Ben?" I asked, quite amused. Everyone bore holes into Chloe, waiting for her response.

"I...Uhm...well...." She stutters. "Ahah! Now I know what's happening. I always knew you had a thing for my cousin but dying your hair is the least of what I expected, Weirdo." I finished.

Chloe looked like she was going to cry and I enjoyed the fact she was embarrassed.

"I felt Ben would like me if I dyed my hair white, I like him a lot but I don't think he does." I could see tears pour down her cheeks and everyone felt pity for her.

"You shouldn't have done that sweetie, a man who loves you will love you irrespective of how you look. You don't have to change how you look, that's what makes you unique." Katherine said.

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