The Life After.

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Leroy left a week before I went to college, it was a sad and long week without him. The mansion was filled with bodies milling around but my heart felt empty. We spent few days to his departure like it'd be the last time we'd ever see each other. He took me to a lot of places, I tried things I never thought I would, and we spent some time all cozy either in my room or his.

One time, Chloe saw him sneak out of my bedroom early hours of the day, but promised to keep my secret. It was the best few days of my life and as I stood in his empty room, his cologne filled my nostrils. Every corner of the room brought back memories to me, good memories.

The house as a whole had a bit of him in every part. I remember how we started like enemies, how we metamorphosed into friends, and lovers. The good, bad and ugly times, the laughter we shared, the tears his shirt dried, his warm hands on mine. He was a big part of me and on the day he left, saying goodbye was the hardest.

He told me the hardest part of leaving is saying goodbye. He said he was scared when next we meet, we might not be thesame way we were. It might be under a different circumstance, either good or bad and I hugged him the longest. Dad paid him heavily, I begged him to increase his fee anyway.

He couldn't stop saying thank you to him for changing me, for saving my life, for shaping me into a better person. Everyone hugged him and he promised to keep in touch but a greater part of me doubted him.

I knew he wouldn't. I knew he'd like to move on without any baggage, I was a baggage to him. He didn't have to tell me, I guess I've always known; which was why we never made our feelings official. He only called the night he left and few days after that, he left the I heard.

A week after he left I went to college, dad got me an apartment and insisted I stay alone. Chloe visited during her holidays and wouldn't keep shut about her boyfriend who happened to be my lovely cousin. Katherine was a good mother to me, Mr Pedro would always package a lot of edibles whenever Chloe visits.

Gradually, I made friends in college named Crystal, Melinda and Brandon. We'd hang out everyday after school, sometimes my apartment, or theirs. I was living my best life, a satisfied one.

Once a while, my mind would drift to Leroy, I'd wonder what he's up to, If he had another girlfriend, and if he thought of me as well.

"Hey love." I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jimmy, my new boyfriend. I met him in college, good sense of humor and very adorable.

"Jimmy you're here early. We were supposed to meet two hours from now so why come this early?" I studied his cute face.

He was beautiful in and out, which was one of the charming things about him.

"I couldn't let my girlfriend sit in the library alone with a book up her nose." He plopped on the seat next to mine and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh stop it Jim, we're in the library." I pulled away from him, my cheeks red in embarrassment. He pouted at me before looking at the book in my hand and frowning.

"So you've been reading huh?" He took off his jacket and folded his arm across his chest...very masculine if you ask me.

"Yup, been reading." I nodded, hoping he bought the lie I just sold him.

"I see...never knew you'd understand a book which is upside down." He pointed at the book while stifling a laugh. He was right, the book was not properly placed and I heaved a sigh. Busted!

"Tell me, what were you thinking of?" He leaned closer, fanning me with his minty breath. How do I tell my loving boyfriend I was thinking of an ex love?

"Nothing serious. Just thinking about us, and how much I love you." It wasn't exactly a lie, I love him but I wasn't thinking of him at the moment. A smile broke out of his face and his eyes brightened.

"I love you too T, you know that right?" He looked me in the eyes and I nodded. It was without doubt Jimmy was deeply and madly in love with me, which was a bit scary at times.

"Come on, I'm starving. Let's go grab lunch and after that, we'd go to my place." He smiled at me and I returned it. Jimmy helped me pack my books and went as far as holding my back pack with his left hand while the other hand held my hand firmly like he was scared of letting go.

I didn't come to school with my car because he brought me to school in the morning so, we rode in his. We grabbed lunch and after that, we went to his place.

My apartment was bigger than his but warm nevertheless. I kicked off my sneakers once inside, and laid on the couch. I was more than comfortable in his apartment. His bed was my second bed.

"Be right back love, I've got to shower." Jimmy began to off his shirt and I smiled suggestively.

"Do you mind if I join you?" I wiggled my brows at him, already aware of his answer. Jimmy was predictable, very much predictable. I knew he wouldn't give up the opportunity...I mean, which guy would?

"No no, I don't mind at all. I have a feeling it's gonna be a long shower." He emphasized on long, letting me know what he was thinking. I had the same thing in mind too. He picked me up from the couch and immediately, my cell phone bleeped.

"Aww! I've got to answer it." I let myself down to get my phone. I thought he'd go without me but he noble of him.

"Yes Chloe." My voice sounded harsh than I expected.

"Easy tigress, I'm sorry if I interrupted something steamy but I called to ask if I can come over this weekend with your cousin who happens to be my hot boyfriend, he's in town." Her lively voice blasted through the speaker.

"Yes you can Chloe and please can you hand the phone to my cousin?" I asked politely, before shooting Jimmy an apologetic look.

"Hey cuz!" Ben spoke, obviously smiling. I could tell from his voice.

"Oh don't cuz me. When did you arrive, and why didn't you call?" I asked all at once, not minding how crazy I must have sounded. I listened as he tried to explain things to me and in the end, it occurred to me I didn't even care about the explanation.

All I wanted at the moment was a warm sexual bath with Jimmy.

"Whatever, I've got to go. See you lovebirds this weekend." I tried to hang up but Chloe spoke, making me roll my eyes.

"Speaking of love, how's Jimmy Jim?" Chloe asked, as she'd fondly call him Jimmy Jim. I turned to him and saw the small smile at the corner of his lips. He adored Chloe and anytime she came to visit, I looked like the third wheel and the villain.

"Hey babe what's up." His voice pitched alittle, as he tried to communicate with her. I wasn't about to let Chloe steal my time with him so I made sure their conversation was short-lived. After she hung up, Jimmy glared at me.

"You shortened my conversation with her." He whined as we made our way to the bathroom. He helped me off my clothes as I was too lazy to undo by buttons.

"Yup, she was taking all the time we have and I want to enjoy my afternoon with you." I kissed him immediately, shutting him up incase he had something else to add. He deepened the kiss and scooped me up.

Yup! a very long bath...


Finally this is the last chapter of Little Miss Spoilt but I think I'm going to write a bonus chapter just to balance things. I hope you like the story. Anticipate the bonus chapter and don't forget to share your thoughts with me. Let me see your comment.

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