The Meeting

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"Leroy, you won't believe who I ran into today." I said, sitting on his bed. "Who?" He asked, totally interested.

"Samantha." I replied, shoving pop corn into my mouth.

"Tell me about it." Leroy turned to me. I gave him a run down of what happened and at the end, we laughed it off.

"She's gone for good." I said, and he nodded. "Absolutely right. Gone, never to return." I agreed. My cellphone buzzed and it was Rick.

"Hey babe." His voice was vibrant.

"What's up, you sound excited," I spoke. "Of course, I'm always excited whenever I talk to you." I heard him giggle lightly.

"So, watchu doing?" I asked. Leroy walked away, and I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing serious, just playing chess with Damon." I heard someone growl in the background, and I knew it was his brother.

"My regards to Damon. Hey, my brother would like to meet you." I bit my lower lip, nervously.

"What! I thought your brother is late?" He asked, sounding scared, and I stiffened a laugh. "You're right Rick... My brother is dead but I have a step brother who just came home after a very very long time." I emphasized on the term very.

"Ok...I'm freaking out Tee. What if he doesn't like me?" He panicked.

"Hey, no need to be jittery, my brother will definitely like you." I assured him, as Leroy walked into the room.

"When is the meeting?" He asked. "Tomorrow evening. We'll have dinner together in a small diner downtown." I finished.

"Ok, that leaves me enough time to prepare. Talk to you later Tee, Damon is shooting me deathly glares for putting the game on hold." He chuckled, making me smile.

"Okay, See you tomorrow." With that, I hung up. I just hope the meeting goes well.

After spending some time with Leroy, I said my goodnight, before heading to my room.

  The next morning, I did my morning routine before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey," I greeted everyone in the room, before assuming my seat. "Hi" they chorused, all focused on their plate.

If you ask me, I'd say the silence was weird because dinning with my family was always chatty.

"Why's the room so silent?" I asked, feeling a bit off. The sigh and unsaid words was enough signal that something bad happened.

"Chloe's pet died this morning." Katherine let out, like the words burnt her throat. I couldn't believe they were all upset by the death of a cat.

"So, you want me to believe the whole silence is for a useless pet?" I asked, feeling my blood boil.

"Stop that Tiffany, show a little condolence. The cat was a part of this family." Dad reprimanded me, and I rolled my eyes. I turned to Chole who's eyes was bloodshot from the excessive crying.

"Sorry about your pet, it was bound to happen anyway." I smirked. "You're heartless." She spat.

"Did you just notice?"!I asked, still smirking.

"That's enough you too. Can't you live a day without fighting? I'm so sick and tired of you two acting like enemies. For God sake you're sisters and you are expected to act like it." Katherine scolded us.

"I'll leave first." I picked up my bag, ready to leave for school. "Who's going to drive your sister?" Dad asked, looking up from his morning paper.

"I don't know, She can walk to school or have Katherine drive her." I walked away, with Leroy trailing behind me.

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