Clingy Girls

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Wa da fuck! I exclaimed, highly embarrassed. Worst day of my freaking life. I ran to his bathroom,locking myself in. "What do I do?" I paced around the bathroom nervously.

"Are you okay?" Leroy called out from the other side. I was to embarrassed to say a word so I kept mute.

"Uhm... You can clean up here while I get you fresh clothes from your closet." He spoke softly. I didn't say a word until I heard his door open and shut.

I let out a deep breath as I was unaware I've been sucking it in the whole time.
Taking off the already stained shirt, I stepped into the tub, turning on the shower, allowing the hot water fall on my bare skin. I washed my hair with his vanilla shampoo, still unable to get the incidence out of my mind. After some minutes, I turned the shower off, grabbed a white towel to dry off my wet skin.

"I have your clothes here with me, please open the door." Leroy spoke. My heart raced and I could hear my heart beat as loud as his voice.

I opened the door a little, avoiding his eyes as I took the bag before shutting the door. I opened the bag and retrieved a black shorts, blue chiffon top, a bra (OMG), panties(so embarrassing), and the worst part,  a tampon ( super embarrassing).

Remind me to write in my diary that I just experienced the most embarrassing day of my life.

How the hell did he know where I kept tampons? I wondered. I mentally slap myself, remembering I have a drawer in my massive closet which wrote "Tampons" in bold letters. I got myself ready after some minutes before plotting a way to get out of his room.

I knew Leroy would be waiting for me outside but, I was not ready to face him. I heaved a sigh before turning the knob, revealing his well kept bedroom. I scanned the room but there no sign of him.

Thank God! I exhaled, making my way out of the room. I was halfway to my room when I remembered I left the stained shirt lying carelessly on the floor. Oh why me! I frowned, hurrying back to his room before he comes back. I walked quickly to the bathroom, turning the door knob. Thankfully, I spotted the shirt on the floor and I picked it up immediately, shoving it into the bag as I made my way out. I noticed he had changed his sheets, guess I stained it as well.

The door opened as Leroy walked in and I froze, meeting his gaze. How awkward could this get? I asked myself.

"I... Uhm... I left... I forgot..." I stuttered, as he stared at me in amusement and I could see a smile play at the corner of his lips. I had no words to say so I ran out his room, as my feet could carry me...

I walked to the dinning lazily as I lacked enough sleep, having to sleep by four only to wake by few minutes past seven. I sat next to Mia, not wanting to sit near Chloe or I might strangle her to death because of her act yesterday. The room was noisy as everyone talked at the same time.

"So, how was your thing with Justin?" I asked Mia, nudging her by the side.

"Perfect!" Mia grinned ear to ear and I could tell she had fun last night with Justin. I nodded my head before spreading peanut butter on my bread.

"Anything you'd like to share?" Mia winked. I shot her an oblivious look before nodding. Biting my bread, my skin burned of someone's glare and I was forced to look at Mia as she shot me the spill it now look.

"Nothing, I crashed in Leroy's room." I spoke softly. "And..." Mia motioned me to ride on.

"And nothing." I snapped, finding the questions nerve cracking. I raised my cup to my lips before she spoke.

"Are you on?" Mia asked, smiling. I spat my tea back into the cup in surprise. "Oh no he told you?" I asked, looking embarrassed.

"Mmhm!" She shoved a spoon of cereal into her mouth. "What did he say?" I asked impatiently.

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