The signature

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"I'm your step sister" She said, smiling at me. I took a closer look at her and I could see the resemblance between her and Katherine. "I've heard a lot about you." She said, sipping her green tea.
Leroy walked in, bowing slowly at the both of us and as usual, I ignored him.

The young lad was grinning at Leroy and for no particular reason, jealousy flowed in me.
"What's your name?" I asked her, trying to get her attention. "I'm Chloe" She replied reluctantly. I nodded.

"Okay Chloe you're on my favorite chair, would you mind moving to the next one?" I stated but
she gave me that insane look.

"I'm sorry Tiffany but your name isn't written on the seat, why not sit somewhere else and besides you look hungry." She replied, quite rudely. I wrapped my hands on my chest wondering where the hell she came from. I scoffed before taking a seat at the other side of the table.
"Seems like the little Miss just met her match." I heard Leroy mutter to himself. He was rightly behind me.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"Nothing Miss," he replied calmly. Chloe and I ate breakfast in silence...

"What's your name?" Chloe asked Leroy, breaking the silence. "I'm Leroy," he stated.
She smiled at him again and I tried so hard to ignore them. Immediately, Katherine walked in, carrying a white cat.
"Oh darling, your cat is adorable." She cooed to Chloe, handing the cat over to her.

Seriously! Cat in the house. Does this place look like a pet store? I mentally asked myself. Katherine turned to me smiling. "Tiffany I can see you've met my daughter." she said.
I rolled my eyes, ignoring her. "I hope you both can get along." She said again, not minding I ignored her.
"Of course mum."Chloe chirped , shooting me a stern look and with that, Katherine walked out of the room excited. I sipped the last tea in my cup, before standing up to leave.

I walked out of the dinning room, with Leroy behind me.
"She's like you." Leroy said, few steps away from my door. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. He smiled at me, signalling me to let him in. I walked into my room, heading straight to the balcony, desperately in need of air. I heaved a sigh of relief, starring at the Gardeners tending to the garden.
"Chloe has the same attitude as you." Leroy stated, standing next to me. I shifted my gaze to his annoying face. "She's not like me and I know just how to get rid of someone like her." I stated, smiling mischievously. Leroy nodded.

"Miss," he called out, stretching out a white paper to me. I took it, curious about the content.
My eyes widened in shock.
"What the hell!" I almost yelled. It was my Dad's signature at the bottom of the paper.
I know you might be thinking I'm crazy, yelling about just a signature but this is my dad's signature. Dad's signature scared me than his words, it could wreck lives in just two minutes. The paper was blank but with his signature meaning anything Leroy scribbled on it, I'm compelled to do. His signature is likened to a blank cheque. The air became chilly and I stepped inside, sitting on my bed.

"What's this all about?" I asked coldly. Leroy looked at me apologetically.
"Your dad handed it to me this morning and I'm expected to use it when necessary," he said.
I was too depressed to talk so I just sat quietly. Dad's signature had a way of shutting me up. His signature has sent me to stay with my terrible grandma in England for three months, his signature wrecked my best friend's life by transferring her to another school in California because he felt she was a bad influence on me, only to mention but a few. Leroy waved his hands across my face, making me snap back to reality.

"Don't worry Miss, I won't use it today." He whispered and I heaved a sigh of relief. "I have to shower." I said, walking as quickly as I could into the bathroom. I took off my clothes and stepped into the bathtub, turning on the shower and allowing the water stroke my skin...

** ** ** ** ** **
I walked to the other section of the house with my laptop. My phone on my left hand and on my right hand, was a glass of red wine. I loved this section of the house because there was a Wi-Fi connection, thus, I called it Wi-Fi house.
I sat in the large empty room, facing a large window. The tranquility in the room helped me relax my nerves. I surfed the net for some hours before falling asleep on the couch...
I was awoken by footsteps, it was quite noisy like that of a lady. I sat up to get a clearer view at the person approaching because no one visited this part of the house aside Dad and I.

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