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Tiffany's POV

Its been two days since the incidence with Leroy and everything was moving well. Though the house was unnecessarily quiet, considering the fact it was bubbling with people the past few weeks, I felt so alone. Chloe and I never talked after lunch with Rick and his brother. She was always in her room and same with me. We only bumped into each other during breakfast or on other occasions and we never shared more than a sentence.

I was in my room on a Tuesday afternoon, chatting with Mia on my laptop when I heard a knock on my door. Rick cancelled our date for reasons best known to him but he promised to make it up to me though.

"Come in!" I called reluctantly.

"Hello," I heard Chloe's voice and I was forced to turn to her. I wondered what she wanted to say as we weren't really friends nor acted like sisters.

"Uhm... I came to return your dress." She said calmly, holding out the well dry cleaned dress.

"You can keep it. My closet is still unaware a dress is missing," I croaked, trying to make a joke. Surprisingly, she smiled.

"Thanks." She turned to leave and I focused my attention on my screen.

"Tiffany," she called. I turned to her to see lines of worry across her face. "That's me." I smiled. "I was wondering if you'd help me look after my cat. Rick's brother, Damon is coming to pick me up in less than an hour and I don't want to leave the cat all alone." The expression on her face, unreadable. I frowned.

I've never babysat a cat before and I was unsure of it. "Don't worry, I'll just tell Sarah (one of the maids) to babysit her." She spoke sharply.

"Oh no! It would be my pleasure to babysit the cat." I forced a smile. "Are you sure?" She shot me the I don't- think -you -can- do -it stare. "Of course, you can bring her." I tried to sound convincing. She grinned before walking away.

Now I feel terrible. Why did I agree to babysit the cat again? I asked myself. Oh right, because I'm crazy. I turned to the screen of my laptop to see a ton of messages from Mia without any reply and she went offline.

Oh great! I shut the laptop, before heading to the bed. Chloe brought the cat few minutes later and she said a lot of thank you before leaving. I looked at the white cat with big dreamy eyes and I was captivated. Is a cat permitted to be this attractive? I carried the cat on my arms and almost melted. It was soft as in very soft. I dug my hand into the fur, caressing it.

Okay catty, let's go for a walk. I walked out of the room, heading for the courtyard. Once there, I plopped into the nearby sit, placing the cat on my lap.

My cellphone beeped and I checked it immediately. It was a text from Rick.

R: Hey babe, how are you doing?

I smiled, texting back
T: I'm cool, just babysitting Chloe's cat as she's on a date with Damon.
R: Sorry about that. Maybe I can come around later. What do you think?
T: Awesome! Can't wait to see you.
R: Same here babe. Want me to get you anything?
T: Uhm... Let me think.
R: I'm waiting...
T: Okay, can you get me a cute guy?
R: Haha...very funny. Ain't I enough?
T: You wish. Just get your ass down here, I'm fine.
R: Are you sure?
T: Yeah, absolutely and please, don't look too cute or I'll go insane.
R: Thanks for the tip babe, I'm gonna look sexy fierce, you can't resist.
T: You wouldn't dare.
R: Bye dear see you soon. Kisses to you.

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