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NOTE: The image displayed is the picture of Leroy's room.

"Oh my! Seems you've met your match." Chloe sneered.

"Enough!" Leroy yelled, curling his fist in anger. I turned to see the guests watching the band play and I heaved a sigh of relief, knowing people were too busy to notice a bunch of lousy teenagers. Mia was about to sprawl on Samantha when I refrained her.

"I'd let this pass because I wouldn't want to cause a scene in my dad's party but try this bullshit next time and I'd rip you into shreds." I threatened before making my way out of the reception and my head to the ground.

"Wait up!" I could hear Leroy call behind me. He held my hand before I could step into my room and I turned to him, anger seeping through my veins.

"Get your hands off me." I spoke with the little energy in me. "I'm so sorry Tiffany, she's never acted this bitchy to any of my friends." He explained. I let out a tired laugh, my head falling backwards.

"Guess I'm the unlucky friend." I stated, sarcastically. "If you want to help, get your girlfriend out of my house." I half yelled.

Mia patted my shoulder, trying to calm me down but at this point, I wouldn't mind getting physical with Samantha if I ever see her again. Leroy nodded, walking away.

Once inside, I cleaned myself up and changed into a white dress.

"That girl is a pain in the ass, you could have let me introduce myself to her." Mia whined. I knew exactly what she meant and I couldn't help but smile when I recalled how fierce she was back in the day.

"Don't worry M, you'll take the lead some other time but tonight, I want my dad to have the best wedding ever." I said, smiling at her. She nodded her head before helping me fix my smeared makeup. I felt depressed for Leroy because Samantha was no match for him as he was sweet and lovable while she was an upcoming witch. Well, just as they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and I wish him well.

After some minutes, I was ready to go out once more but for no proper reason, I felt nervous that my hands quivered. Mia noticed my uneasiness as she placed her hands on mine, flashing that courageous smile. I heaved a sigh before heading out and holding my head high.

I got back to the reception right on time as the man behind the mic announced a father and daughter dance. I walked to my smiling dad, who looked cute in his tux. The deejay played a slow music and we moved to the rhythm with dad's hand on my waist and my hands slightly wrapping his shoulders.

"Congratulations once more." I spoke. He smiled without saying a word but after some seconds, he spoke

"Look how you've grown, so big, beautiful and smart." He looked into my eyes. "You forgot to add I'm lacking in character like you always say." I added, still holding gaze with him.

"No need for that tonight, Leroy is doing a good job." He smiled proudly. "Oh you changed your dress." He changed the topic and I nodded, going with the flow.

"Yeah I did." Was all I could say. We danced for a while before the song ended and he kissed my hands before leading me back to my seat.

This time around, I sat with my dad's friends and not with the teenagers. The party was fun but I was extremely bored listening to a bunch of adults ramble about their lives.

"Can I have this dance?" I looked over my shoulder to see Rick smiling at me. "Of course." I took his hands as we walked to the dance floor.

"Guess you needed a distraction." He yelled through the loud music. "Yeah, you got me out of misery." I yelled back, dancing to the pop song. I scanned the dance floor for Leroy but he was no where to be found. I was still mad at him but that doesn't mean I didn't want to see his face. It's been hours since the Samantha incident and I missed Leroy like its been forever then, reality hit me when Rick held my waist, causing me to freeze.

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