Joke or Joke

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"Miss Tiffany, it's time to get dressed for school" a female voice called out. Since dad released the cats out of the bag, I am not quite sure I've been hearing properly.

"OMG" have I gone deaf? I panicked.

I covered my ears with my pillows not wanting to think about it or am I dreaming?

"Miss Tiffany please get up or you'll be late for school" she sounded quite pitiful. Oh great, I'm not deaf.

I mentally slap myself, how could I have thought I was. I lazily got out of the bed ignoring Miss Cruz (my house keeper). I walked into my bathroom still feeling dizzy. It wouldn't hurt if I just slept in here right?

I've got my English test today. I quickly got into my bathtub to scrub myself clean. The fragrance of my shampoo got me mentally awake.

Something smelled nice from the kitchen, I could perceive it from my room. I scanned my wardrobe for a perfect outfit. It's Monday and lots of people like looking breath taking. Well I believe your outfit on the first day of the week tells how your week goes.

"Finally." I said triumphantly. I retrieved a black tank top, blue pants and a black scarf to wrap round my neck. I spotted a blue converse in my shoe rack. Perfect! I put it on and applied a quick make up so I could grab breakfast before 7:30am.

I'm in my final year in high school, and that means lots of assignments projects and all the killer pains your final year comes with.

I shoved my books and my laptop into my satchel, walking out of the room. I walked into the kitchen smiling at the chef Mr Pedro, the only one I'm nice to because he makes delicious meals.

"So what are we having for breakfast?" I ask him.
"Morning to you too," he said.

"Urrh... Shoot me." I forgot to greet him. "okay fine, good morning Mr Pedro." I greeted.

"So what's for breakfast?" I asked apologetically.

"We'll be having strawberry tea, scrambled eggs and sausages," he replied.

"Mmhm!! That sounds yummy." I dismissed myself, going over to the dinning table to see breakfast neatly served.

You might be wondering where is everyone else, but I care less. Its just my dad and I and we never eat break fast together. I took a seat in front of the meal and delved into it like that would be my last meal on this freaking earth. It was tasty.

In few minutes, I was through with breakfast with my stomach full. Mr Pedro handed me my lunch pack, and I headed to dad's study to say goodbye ( that's the least I could do).

I walked in to see him talking to a young man, I think five years older than I am, if I'm to guess correctly. Not that I cared after all.

"I'm leaving" I said to him in a cold tone.
"Oh right on time pumpkin" he said, smiling up at me. Please remind me to tell him I hate the name pumpkin.

"Dad, my name is Tiffany." I snapped. He ignored me knowing I have issues placing my words.

"I would like you to meet Leroy." Dad announced. What's with dad and surprises these days.

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