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I woke up in the morning, feeling something hard pressed against my back. I tried turning but was wrapped in Leroy's arms. All effort proved abortive as I laid back in defeat, feeling him poke me with his morning glory. I thought about last night, wondering if to talk about it or not. Leroy yawned and I guess he was awake. I shut my eyes immediately, so embarrassed, though nothing happened the previous night. He called my name severally but I pretended to be asleep. Leroy sighed before letting go of me, heading to the bathroom.

Just as I heard the door shut the door, I whiffed, jumping out of bed and trying so hard to sneak out of the room but I was busted because he came out immediately. I guess he was shocked to see me trying to sneak out but his expression wore off as he smiled, heading to the bed.

"Good morning Butterfly," he greeted, acting like nothing happened. There was no point running so I let out a frustrated sigh before turning fully to meet his gaze.

"Morning." I replied, resting on the door.

"Going somewhere?" I caught the small smile at the corner of his lips.

"Uhm... Errh... Nope, just checking if the door is locked," I lied, heading to the bed. Leroy nodded, smiling. "About last night..."He began but I waved him off.

"It's nothing Roy, I didn't take it to heart." I lied the second time.

"Yeah but I just want to apologize if I hurt your feelings, I was just kidding. I'm truly sorry and I hope our friendship never changes." He finished.

Ya ya and he used the word again kidding. Can someone tell him to stop using that word because it pisses me off.

"Psst... Hurt my feelings? I just see you as a friend, what happened last night didn't mean a thing to me and we're still friends." I rolled my eyes in conclusion.

"So we're cool?" He asked, scrutinizing my reactions.

"Yeah, sure!" I replied, giving him a reassuring smile. Leroy took me unawares by pulling me into a hug. It was the least thing I expected after last night but for what it's worth, I have to put last night into the storage room in my mind and lock it up.

"Breakfast is ready!" Ben called out, Peeking into room.

"Oh! I'm sorry, never knew something interesting was going on in here. Annie and Lilah prepared breakfast and I came to inform you guys." Ben beamed with smile.

"No, its not what you think!" We echoed uniformly.

"You don't have to explain dear, ENJOY." He finished, giving us thumps up before he shut the door, leaving us speechless.

"He misunderstood the whole thing." Leroy stated and I nodded.

"Yeah." I muttered. "There's a speck, in your eyes" Leroy said, gently touching my eyes.

"And please hasten up." Ben said, peeking into the room once more.

"Jesus! Do you even knock?" I hissed, sounding irritated at his rude interruption.

"I'm sorry but you should have locked the door,"he replied immediately, shutting the door behind him.

"Now we're busted" I stated, getting up from the bed...

Annie and Lilah prepared pancakes for breakfast and it tasted nice. Ben kept smiling at Leroy and I, making us look suspicious.

"What's with the smile?" Chloe asked Ben.

"Nothing, just feel like smiling." Ben replied, munching his food."

"I'm not a fool Ben, I know when you smile like that, you're up to something." Chloe said, trying to pry words from him.

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