Bonus Chapter

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Bonus Chapter

Four years later...

"Jimmy hurry up or I'm gonna change my mind." I yelled from the stairs, hoping he heard me. Jimmy and I had a dinner reservation at 7:00pm and I was excited to be out with him after weeks of being indoors studying for our final exams.

One would be surprised how Jimmy and I have been together for  years, sometimes I'm amazed too. He was just an understanding person and he knew me a little more than I know myself, maybe that's why we were able to make things work. We were months away from graduation and had our whole lives planned after that.

"I'm done, let's go love." He smiled at me. He was drinking me all in with his eyes, I could feel his eyes scanning every part of my body as we walked out of the apartment and towards the elevator.

Once inside the elevator and alone, he drawled me to his chest. "Gosh you look so sexy tonight and I wouldn't mind having you for dinner." He whispered to me and bit my neck slowly. Everything about him was so sexy and I let out a gentle moan.

"As much as I'd like that, I'm really famished. How about we grab dinner and then you can have me for dessert?" I suggested, knowing he'd oblige. He nodded and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before pulling away. "I think that'll work." He smiled back at me and I blushed.

The ride to the restaurant was calm and refreshing as we listened to the cool music playing on radio and enjoying the night air. I took the opportunity to think of my best friend who I haven't heard from in the past week. Gradually, my thought wandered home and all of a sudden, I missed home. I rarely went home except for thanksgiving and Christmas.

I missed my dad, Chloe, Katherine and her little baby boy. She got pregnant a year after the wedding and delivered a boy. Dad was so excited and for the first time in a long time, I saw him cry. It was tears of joy. My mind drifted to my brother who was happily married to his long time girlfriend and I made a mental reminder to visit them during the holiday and congratulate his wife on getting pregnant.

"We're here." Jimmy's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked outside the car and indeed we were parked in front of the restaurant. Before I could alight, he ran to my side and opened the door for me. What a perfect gentleman. Jimmy and I walked hand in hand into the restaurant and confirmed our reservation.

We were directed to our table and he pulled out my chair as usual. Once we placed our order, we began discussing random issues and laughing. He cracked me up so hard that I threw my head backwards and it hit someone. Even as my head hurt, I was worried about the unfortunate person I hit.

"I'm so sorry about that, I..." my words failed me when my face met with the young man standing behind me. It was Leroy, my Leroy, my disciplinarian and first love. There he was, standing in his glory and another woman who was seated. I guess he was pulling out a chair for her when I hit him.

"Tiffany?" His voice sounded uncertain, like he wasn't sure who he was seeing. I stood on my feet almost immediately and faced him fully. He was really the one, looking cute as always but this time, more mature.

"Yeah it's me." I tried to lighten the situation but was failing miserably at it. He stared at me all the way down, registering my beauty in his head.

"Wow, it's been years, three or four?" He asked and I replied without hesitation. We stood awkwardly for 30 seconds, wondering if to hug or shake hands.

"It's nice to see you." He pulled me into a quick hug before letting me go, to my disappointment. He smelled of vanilla and strawberry mixed together. He smelled nice as always.

"Uhm..." I cleared my throat before looking back at Jimmy who looked rather calm and amused.

"Jimmy this is Leroy, he worked for my dad. Leroy this is Jimmy, my uhm...boyfriend." I did the introduction and watched them shake hands.

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