Red Night

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Tiffany's Pov

Breakfast was torture. Why? you'd ask. Well, I couldn't keep the smile off my face and I had to struggle the entire time to hide it from dad. I knew he'd ask a lot of questions, and wouldn't let me have my peace until I tell him who the guy is, and also bring Rick to him. It was too soon for that and for now, I plan on keeping him a secret from dad. Just for now.

After breakfast, I went over to Leroy's room. I'd missed him at breakfast which was quite weird, considering the fact he's always present whenever we have a meal. I still had thirty minutes before school, enough time to talk to him.

I knocked softly on the door but there was no response from the other side. I turned the door knob and peeked into the room flooded with light rays. Leroy was on the floor, two empty bottles of wine littered on the floor as well. I rushed into the room, not forgetting to close the door behind me.

I shook him slightly, but he wouldn't budge. What happened last night that made him drink himself to stupor? He reeked of alcohol, but it was the least of my worries.

"Leroy wake up." I shook him harder and this time, he yawned, almost knocking me over with the stench. I spanked his face, causing him to jerk up violently. "Aww, that hurts." He rubbed his cheek.

"I'm sorry, you were out and I wanted to make sure you're still alive." I half smiled. He nodded, without saying a word. "So, do you mind telling me what this is all about?" I asked, pointing at the bottles.

"It's nothing, I'll be fine." He tried to stand, but the migraine was stronger than his strength put together. "Don't stress it. Do you have any aspirin here?" I asked, looking around the room.

"Yeah, should be in the cabinet in the bathroom." He replied reluctantly, placing his hand on his forehead. I walked briskly to the bathroom, and retrieved the aspirin.

"Here, it should lessen the migraine." I handed the aspirin to him and the bottle of water I found, lying hopelessly on his table. He took it, and shoved it into his mouth.

"Thanks Butterfly." He shut his eyes once more. "What happened?" I asked, sitting next to him.

"Samantha broke up with me, and she's with the guy she met at your dad's wedding." He let out, as if the words were choking him to death. I was beyond mortified. I knew that girl was no good, I knew it.

"So she left you for that guy who by the looks of it doesn't have a hope for a bright future?" I asked no one exactly, and he nodded.

"Wow, this is ludicrous. I knew that girl was something. You know, I never liked her. Come to think of it Roy, why didn't you tell me this last night?" I turned to him, dead serious.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't want to ruin things for you. You were so excited yesterday about your relationship status, and I didn't want to ruin the moment." He looked away, before I could meet his eyes. Now, everything was coming back to me. I knew something was wrong last night, because he was acting all weird.

I remember I asked how the meeting went, and he just replied with 'everything will be fine.' Seriously, why didn't I connect the dots.

"I'm so sorry Roy, I should have been more sensitive but no, I was lost in my own giddiness, that I didn't see you were hurting." I played with my fingers, feeling miserable.

"It's not your fault, I perfectly understand." He took my hands, smiling at me.

"Let me hit the shower, I'll drive you to school." He said, rising on his feet. "Oh no, it's not necessary. I can drive myself today besides, I wouldn't want you to drive me into a pole in this depressed state of yours." I said, mockery purely evident in my tone. "Arrh I get it. Alright, I'll come drive you after school." He stated.

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