Team I don't give a fuck

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Leroy's POV

I stood outside Miss Tiffany's class typing on my cell phone when a man in his early forties I presume, approached me.
"I'm sorry but who are you?" The man asked.
I gave him a heart melting smile before I replied
"I'm Tiffany's body guard and disciplinarian." I said in delight. He didn't seem shocked. "Tiffany's dad called this morning to tell me about you. I'm Alex, the principal." He said, stretching his hand for a hand shake and I shook him.
"I'm Leroy." I said smiling at him.
"Why don't we go to my office, this way please."Alex ushered and I nodded as I went with him to his office. His office was large with interesting artworks hung on the wall and the files on his table neatly arranged. He offered me a seat. "Coffee?" he asked, heading towards a table at the far end of the room. "Yes please." I replied.

"Nice tie by the way." He complimented and I smiled like a newly wedded bride. "Thank you Alex, yours is not bad as well." I returned the compliment.
"Oh please, don't flatter me." He replied, offering me a hot cup of coffee. I smiled at him, mouthing thank you to him. I watched Alex take off his suit, and hung it on a hanger before sipping his coffee and taking a seat afterwards.
"So how is it going?" he asked, taking a gulp of his coffee. I looked at him a bit lost
"I mean how are you coping with Tiffany?" he clarified.
"Oh, so far so bad." I said shaking my head in disgust. Alex chuckled.
"Tiffany's attitude is unbecoming and quite disturbing. She is a bright student, but she lacks other qualities." He give me a sad smile and I nodded in affirmation.

"The little Miss is just being a bitch." I said, taking another sip of the Coffee. Alex frowned at first, maybe trying to digest my words before he burst into uncontrollable laughter. It was contagious as I laughed with him. "I like you." He wiped a tear from the corner of his eyes.
"I like you too." I said, smiling at him.

Tiffany's Pov.

The test wasn't that bad, I'm sure of at least 80% of my answers and I believe its a pass mark.
The school bell rang, signalling the end of the period. I quietly put my pen inside my bag as I headed out of the class to the next one which is
literature. Mhm... I love literature class and we were currently reading a novel of our choice. I almost went into shock when I saw Leroy. 

Maybe I need to get a mental alarm to remind me he'll be in my life henceforth.
"So you stood outside the class for forty five minutes waiting for me?" I asked, not even bothering to look at his annoying cute face, as I walked to my locker to get my novel.
"Nope, I was with your principal and I must say, he finds me interesting." He smirked.

"What!" I yelled, causing everyone to halt and stare at me. I looked around to see people boring holes into me with their eyes. "Get to work." I yelled back at them. They all continued their activities and I turned with fiery eyes to look at Leroy.
"I can see you are trying your best to piss me off, but then I suggest you join my team." I looked him in the eyes.
"Hey, calm down Miss and what's the name of this team?" He asked, looking almost interested.
I grabbed my novel and turned to look at him.
"If you must know, it's team I don't give a fuck!"

I slammed my locker hard and turned my back to leave, slapping his face with my hair.
"You little devil!" He squeals,while trying to get a strand of my hair out of his eyes. I twirled around to look at him. "Careful dear, you would not want to get on my bad side and also take it as a payback for your attitude earlier this morning." I winked at him and hastened my footsteps to class since I was almost late.

Thanks to Leroy, I've smiled this morning, in a mischievous way though.

You know when I said we were reading a book of our choice? It's technically not true. Mrs Brenda asked us to choose a book from the five books she recommended. They were books from five different continents and I saw a striking African book which I picked ( purple hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie). It looked interesting. Well, I wouldn't go into that now.

I got into the class room right in time, I spotted a seat by the corner which called my attention. I walked to the seat and slumped on it, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Hey Tiffany," a tiny voice spoke and I shifted my gaze to the creature standing next to me. It was Betty ( at least that's what she calls herself).

"Hi" I replied. She grinned, her full teeth on display. "What do you want?" I asked curtly. She leaned closer.

"Is that dude your boyfriend?" she asked, almost in a whisper. Before I could reply, Miss Brenda walked in with a huge grin on her face. Everyone took their seats and the class was dead silent.

The remaining hours drifted peacefully, at least no annoying questions or Leroy getting in my way.

"Arrh!" I exhaled as I walked out of the last class for the day. I was so tired that my feet felt weak. I lazily walked to my locker to pick up my bag. I slammed it shut and turned around.

"Jesus!" I shrieked. Leroy scared the crap out of me and I placed a hand on my chest trying to catch my breath. After few seconds I caught my breath and shot him a murderous stare.
"What the hell was that for?" I asked annoyed.
"I'm sorry Miss, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, frowning.

I ignored him and began to walk towards the school entrance. "Hey Miss, I got you a drink, I thought you might need one after the class." Leroy said, handing me a drink. "Aww, that's so sweet of you." I said, placing a hand on my chest feigning innocent. I dropped it into the trash can by the entrance. He walked ahead of me smiling
What the hell, I just threw the drink away and there he was smiling.

He opened the car, gesturing me to get in.  "Are you not bothered I dropped the drink?" I asked, overwhelmed. Leroy smiled at me.
"Guess I took your advice Miss, I'm now a member and guess what, I don't give a fuck." He said in a whisper.

"Aurrh!" I gasped.
"Please get into the car." He said, but this time, authoritatively. I sluggishly got in, feeling embarrassed. I looked at him with the corner of my eyes and he was smirking. Dang, I wish I could slap the smirk off his face.

Author's note

Hello everyone I'm so excited about this chapter and I hope you love it. Please don't forget to vote and comment.
Much love and kisses to you all❤️😘

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