Road Trip

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"Butterfly wake up, it's time for dinner." Leroy called out blandly.

"Go away, I don't have interest in eating with those losers." I yelled, placing one of the pillows over my head.

"They are your family and you love them." He corrected. "They are not my family." I replied, almost screaming.

"Whoa Calm down!" Leroy said and I sat up, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

"You have to join them for dinner or else Chloe would think she won the battle." Leroy said, almost in a whisper.

"You're right, I can not let that bitch win, I have to eat dinner with them and flaunt my smile on her face." I jumped out of bed ecstatic.

"Thank you so much for the tip Roy."!I smiled at him. "Did you just call me Roy?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I just did. I mean since we're friends, I don't see any need for formalities." I said, scrambling out of the room.

"I can see you came." Chloe said, looking sodden. "Why wouldn't I?" I shot her a stern look.

"You know, after what happened, I thought you wouldn't show your nasty face tonight." She spat.

"Oh yeah! I didn't want to but I can't run in my own house considering the fact you're nobody at all, just a rodent I feel so unfortunate to live with and do you know what happen to the rodents?" I asked her.

"Please enlighten me." she replied.

"Of course sweetie. Those rodents are gotten rid of, just like how I'd get rid of you." I sneered.

"You can try dear, but this rodent is going to stay for a very very long time and may even end up taking over your home." She finished, smiling mischievously.

"You wish." I replied in contempt.

"Good evening everyone." Dad said, interrupting us. The room went dead silent as our gaze fell on him.
"I have news for you all." He was ecstatic, he reeked of it.

"Spill it!" My grandma said in excitement. "Okay! We have four days to the big day." He said, grinning. We were all lost, shooting him an obnoxious look
"I mean our wedding," he clarified.
"Oh! That's right." We all said in unison, realizing he was talking about the wedding.

"Katherine and I decided the teenagers go on a three day trip." Dad finished. I choked in my food

"Trip!" Chloe and I exclaimed, surprised.

"Yes dear, we both thought it will help you all to relax and I'll be having a nice time with my friends like a bridal shower, dance rehearsals..." Katherine said but I interrupted.

"Hold up, both of you decided it would be great if we go on a trip? If I may ask, where exactly are we going?" I asked them both.

"You'll go to my cabin which is about an hour and half minutes. You remember you loved that place when you were little." Dad replied, looking at me.

"Wow! I'm so glad you used the term LOVED because I no longer do." I said, sipping my expresso

"That's cool!" The rest of the teenagers echoed, fist bumping each other. "Is it compulsory?" Chloe asked her mum.

"Compulsory for what?" Katherine asked. "I mean, compulsory to go on the trip." she stated.

"Of course dear, you'd really love it." Katherine replied, gently stroking Chloe's cheek.

"Everything you'll need is in the cabin, have fun guys." Dad said, raising his glass. "Yeah!" They all cheered.

I wasn't happy about the trip but there was nothing I could do. I looked at everyone in the room and they seemed happy, carrying on with their conversations . Katherine was grinning about something Dad whispered to her, which even made me more sad for her.

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