The Visit

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I woke the next morning with a severe migraine. I didn't drink last night, why the migraine? I asked myself. I managed to pull my eyes open, looking at my room now flooded with light rays, signalling me it's a new day. I searched my room for nothing, until my eyes landed on Leroy. He was sitted next to me, smiling broadly like I was all that mattered to him. I didn't realise the tray next to the bed until he pulled it up.

"Morning Butterfly, I hope you had a good night rest?" The smile not leaving his face. The thought of the previous night flooded my head and I frowned.

"Oh no! It's too early to think about the past." He said, helping me sit up. Thankfully, he got an aspirin for me and ordered me to open up my mouth. I did as I was told and he popped one into my mouth, as I drove it down with water.

"Thank you." I managed a smile. "I made you pancakes and a cup of coffee.." He drew my attention to the other content in the tray.

"What happened to Mr Pedro?" I asked, fearing he might be sick again. "He's fine, I insisted on making your breakfast today." I smiled at his kind gesture. I looked at the tray to see the pancake wearing a smiley face. Are you kidding me? I screamed from the inside.

"Smile." Leroy said, giving me a knowing look. I delved into the pancakes and just as I thought, it was really nice.

"You'd teach me how to prepare this someday." I said, putting down my fork and sipping the hot coffee.

"Sure babe, whenever you're ready, I'm ready." He winked, putting the tray away. "So..." I began, fiddling my quilt. "Is the visit to your sisters place cancelled?" I asked Leroy.

"Nope. But I don't know if you're in a right state to go." He gave me a concerned look. "I'm perfectly fine. Just tell me the time of our departure and I'll beat you to it." I joked.

"Okay, we leave in two hours." He checked his wrist watch for the time. "Fine by me." I nodded. Leroy picked up the tray once more, and made an attempt to leave, but I stopped him.

"Did Chloe return safe?" I frowned. "Yeah, she returned this morning. A weird guy dropped her off though and I heard Mrs Katherine yelling at her for acting so irresponsible." He said, giving me a sad smile. I nodded, fighting back my tears.

"It'll be alright." Leroy's soft hands touched my cheek. "Alright, go on, I'll be with you shortly." I shooed him away and he laughed...

Two hours later, I was ready for the little adventure in my white crop top, white ripped jean, and a Burberry stiletto heels. I grabbed my mini Burberry traveling bag, as I left the room. Heading to the study, I pulled the door open, peeking into the room

"Morning dad." I greeted. "Morning Pumpkin." He replied, smiling at me. "Did you sleep well?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm off to visit Leroy's sister and won't be back until tomorrow." I finished. "Alright dear, be safe. Need anything?" He asked and I shook my head. I was absolutely fine. I walked over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek before leaving the room.

I spotted Leroy outside, leaning on my car, and texting away on his phone. Dang! This guy is cute. He was in a white T-shirt, black denim Jean, and a black Adidas shoes, with a matching face cap.

"You look beautiful." Leroy complimented, taking the bag off me. "You too." I replied, grinning ear to ear. He opened the car for me and I slipped into it. "So, I'd like to stop at the mall to grab a gift for your sister and nephew."I told him.

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