The Death of Me

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Leroy's POV.

I watched Butterfly race the stairs to her room crying and a pang of guilt hit me. I never meant to make her cry, I hate to see her cry. Seeing her in tears broke my heart, over and over again.

I turned to Chloe who was text-walking and stopped her. "What should I do?" I frowned.

"Word of advice, let her be for now and later, you can go up to her room and apologize for what you said earlier in the car." She advised.

"Did I say anything wrong?" I asked her. Chloe shrugged without saying a word, leaving me all alone in the living room. Arrh! I groan, heading to my room...

Tiffany's POV.

I've never been this insulted in my life. Roy called me a clingy girl in front of Chloe, how embarrassing. I wiped the tear off my face for the umpteenth time.

Going over to the closet, I changed into a blue hoodie and a pink shorts. I decided not to cry anymore but the tears wouldn't stop coming.

I hate myself sometimes for being so emotional. I picked up my diary before laying on my bed. Yeah, a diary I named DRE.

You might think its insane but I named it after my brother. Writing in the diary makes me feel like I'm communicating with my late bro. I flipped to a blank page in the diary and began scribbling on it for God knows how long. A page turned into two and from two to three, tears wetting each page.

I slammed the book shut in anger, placing it on the table. I was hurt, deeply hurt. I couldn't sleep, nor surf the net. I just lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling and fighting back my tears.

Seconds into minutes, minutes into hours and finally, I realized it was night already. I walked out to the balcony, resting my weight on the railing. The air was chilly and my hoodie was too light to shield me from the cold.

The evening air traveled across my face, sending shivers to me and at the same time, making me come alive. I sighed, a frustrated one. I've never let anyone's word get to me, but somehow, his words managed to permeate these walls of mine, crumbling them to pieces...

Leroy's POV.

Time rolled by and with each minute, I grew so restless. I wanted to run to her room so badly and let her know how sorry I was for my harsh words but I was giving her space just like Chloe advised.

"Damn it!" I cursed and made my way out of the room. I knocked on her door, careful not to spill the cups of coffee on my hand. There was no response but I walked in nevertheless.
There she was, in a blue hoodie and pink shorts, resting on the railing at the balcony. My heart skipped for a minute and I savored her beauty. Has anyone ever told her how beautiful she is, especially in shorts. I heard her sob.

"Oh no!" She was still crying. I walked slowly to her, careful not to rattle her with my presence. I extended a cup of coffee to her and surprisingly, she took it, avoiding my eyes. We both took a sip from our cups, staring at space in silence and I moved closely to her, until I felt her body heat.

"I'm sorry." I said, breaking the silence. She didn't say a word or look my direction either and I continued. "I'm sorry it came out wrong. I didn't mean to say you're too clingy or cheap. I just had a rough day and I took it out on you which is totally wrong." I let out.

Still silent.

"Please talk to me Butterfly, you know I hate to see you cry." I said impatiently, running my hands through my hair.

"Okay." She said. Was she for real? What did she mean by that. I took a sip of my coffee, before turning to leave.

"You really did hurt me." She finally made a sentence. I turned to look at her, just then did I realize the bag underneath her eyes. I'm such an idiot. I silently reprimand myself.

"I never expected that from you and I've never been so demeaned in my life before." She let out and suddenly, I felt ashamed of myself. Silence took over the conversation again.

"I was jealous." I managed to utter, feeling my throat dry. For the first time since the conversation, she looked me in the eye.


"I don't know. I saw you from the window and how you laughed like I never existed then, I felt Jealous of Rick. I've always been the only one to get your attention but now, I feel like I'm sharing you with some other guy." I replied truthfully, wondering where it all came from.

I felt her warm hand on my shoulder and I stiffened. Her hands were so soft and small and I loved it.

"I'm sorry if it made you jealous but I want you to know you're my best male friend and will always be. Rick is my friend but not as important as you are to me." I found myself blushing like a kid.

"Are we cool now?" I asked, hoping for a positive answer. She nodded, smiling broadly.

"Thank God, I can't stand you being mad at me." I exhaled. "Come on, let's get you inside before you catch a cold." I said, motioning her to her room. Once inside, she lay her cup neatly on the table and I picked it up.

"I'm just going to put this away," I announced. "Roy, please can you cuddle me?" She asked, innocence in her voice. How the hell would I refuse her request. I dropped the cups on her table, before getting in bed with her.

Underneath the sheets, she lay her head on my chest and I caressed her hair as she slept peacefully.

Gosh! My hormones seem to malfunction anytime I'm around Butterfly. Oh no! She's going to be the death of me. I thought, before drifting to sleep...

Authors Note.

Here it is. Leroy was truly jealous just like Chloe said. Please show some love by voting and commenting.

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