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"I told you so." Chloe screamed in excitement as I recounted what transpired between Leroy and I. We sat on my bed sharing a plate of brownies and she made me spew the details.

"Stop it," I threw my teddy bear at her. The memories of the kiss brought a smile to my face and I chuckled to myself. Chloe grinned from ear to ear as she ate her brownie.

A light knock interrupted our conversation and our heads snapped to the direction of the door.

"I bet it's your boyfriend." Chloe whispered to me. "Shush it, he's not my boyfriend...yet." I winked at her as she laughed.

"Come on Tiffany, the kiss signifies you two are automatically dating." She poked my arm playfully. I just rolled my eyes at her funny philosophy. Kissing Leroy meant nothing special. Okay scratch that. Kissing him was everything.

Chloe and I were so engrossed in our discussion we forgot the person on the other side of the door.

" I let myself in." Brett said, as he plopped on my bed.

"What's up kiddo, searched for you last night but you disappeared. Where did Leroy take you?"
Brett asked, as he bore holes into me with his bulgy but pretty eyes.

"No where in particular. You know, we were just outside." I pinched my pillow as I spoke.

"They were outside and making out." Chloe chipped in, as my eyes widened in shock.

"Wtf Chloe! No one asked you." I frowned at her. Chloe had issues with her mouth that she didn't know when she spewed the whole details to Brett.

"It's about time." Brett winked at me, as he ate the last brownie.

"Okay enough! You two should get the hell out of my room, I've got to read for my final exams." I shooed them away, too exhausted to continue the Leroy conversation.

"Since when do you read, you always ace your papers." Brett eyed me lazily. I folded my arms across my chest as I shot them a poker face.

"Fine, we're leaving. See ya later." Brett dragged unwilling Chloe away.

"That's if you're actually going to read." Chloe shot at me as she was being dragged away. I shook my head wearily before allowing it hit the pillow. They were right, I had no intentions of reading...

Things remained the same between Leroy and I, after the kiss we shared on the anniversary day. The only difference was the feelings which we already knew existed between us, and the hot make out sessions I had with him daily. We never talked about getting into a relationship.

We both knew it would be dangerous and might turn out bad for the both of us. Chloe and Brett kept bothering and pestering us into being more intimate but we wanted to take it slow.

My final exams were over and I already received an acceptance letter from NYU, to study English. Dad was so proud after he read the letter. The smile that creased his face was priceless.

He hugged me a million times, not forgetting to leave a thousand kisses on my face. I was excited but at thesame time, sad.

I knew Leroy's work was done. He told me he'd quit a week before I leave for Oxford. I wondered what I'd do without him. Over the past months, I've grown fond of him. He was my best friend, my gist partner, and part time lover.

Prom was around the corner and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go or not.

"Come on Tiffany, you've got to attend prom. Its your last highschool prom. Live a little Tiffany." Chloe persuaded me. I pouted as I enjoyed her try to get me to attend prom with her. She was going with a senior, a football player.

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