Catch Me If You Can

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    Tiffany's POV.

  I walked to the Wi-Fi house after the wedding vows. Guess all I needed at this point is total tranquillity as my room couldn't provide the calmness my brain needs currently. I sat on the couch next to the window, drowned in my thoughts. Chloe never talked about her father and I have been piling hatred for her that I forgot to ask.

I felt sorry for her, having to see her father go to jail. I can proudly say I know what it feels like not to have either of your parents around and the ridiculing you'd get from your fellow teenagers.

"Hey," a voice called out softly. I tore my gaze from the window to look at the person sitting next to me.

"Roy!" I muttered softly.

"That's me." He chuckled. The room was silent as neither of us spoke, just looking out the window and formulating the right words in our head.

"Thought you were with your girlfriend?" I asked, still looking out the window.

"I was, couldn't find you in your room so I came here." He replied.
"...and you found me." I completed. We both shared a laugh before the awkward silence swept over the room.

"What's on your mind?" Leroy asked, tilting his head towards me. I heaved a sigh before turning to face him and looking into those gleamy eyes that keeps me wondering what's running through his mind.

"I just feel sorry for Chloe, you know... about her dad."  I finished.

"Me too, she never talked about him." Leroy spoke.

"Guess the memory is too painful for her." I frowned, locking gaze with him.

"Don't be sad Butterfly, you're not permitted to be sad today." Leroy said, wiping the tear which slipped down my cheek.

"So...who's the cutie I saw you with in the garden?" He teased, trying to cheer me up. I smiled sheepishly like a kid caught staring at her crush.

"I don't know, just a guy who happens to know me from my dad's previous wedding." I shrugged, trying to hide my flustered cheeks.

"Oh! Secret crush" Leroy whispered. "Oh please! Don't even go there." I giggled.

"Let's go back to the party." I suggested.

"Come on, the party isn't till six and its just past two." Leroy glanced at his watch.

"Uhm...don't want your girlfriend to think you're choosing me over her." I frowned. "Oh no! Why would she, besides she was with Trish when I left her," he explained.

"Please let's go Roy." I begged, slightly touching his hand. "Okay fine but promise we'll have a bottle of wine tonight in your room." He asked and I gave him a positive grin as we headed out to join the others...

Samantha's POV.

   I was pissed, Leroy has been away for thirty minutes and he didn't say where he was going either.

"Hello," a tall guy with slender build spoke. "Hi" I replied, sipping my cocktail drink.

"May I?" He asked, looking at the empty seat next to me. I nodded without saying a word.

"I'm June." He introduced himself, reaching out for a handshake. "Samantha." I shook him.

"Nice name. If you don't mind me asking, who did you come with?" June asked. 

"My boyfriend." I replied, scanning the room for Leroy. Obviously he didn't believe me, because he kept trying to charm his way into me.

June was quite funny, he made me laugh and I almost forgot how pissed I was. My laughter disappeared immediately as I got a glimpse of Leroy and Tiffany walking in, laughing and I could feel my stomach churn for no particular reason. Something about Tiffany didn't feel right, I felt insecure with her presence. She seemed too close to Leroy like she was trying to take my place. The way they talked and looked at each other made me quite uncomfortable.

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