Wedding Surprises.

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"Dre how is this possible, I can see you." I asked, looking confused.

"What you see isn't real, I'm dead." He replied.

"If you're dead how come I see you?"

"You summoned me Tiff, you believe I'm present and that's why you can see me but I'm not real."

"No Dre, please come back, I miss you and mum every single day, things haven't been the same since you two left. Dad is getting married, I have a step sister and a step mum but I don't want all that, I just want you and mum to come back." I cried.

"You're right little sis, a lot has changed and you're not the little sis I used to know, how did you become this cold?" Dre asked.

"I don't know, I feel alone, broken and it hurts a lot, I wish you both were here." I tried to reach out to him but he felt distant although, in front of me.

"You need to be happy and holding on to the past will make you sad for the rest of your life. There are lots of people who love you, Leroy inclusive. You just have to open up your heart and you'll be happy again." He smiled sadly.

"How did you know about Leroy?" I was surprised.

"I'm dead but I watch over you everyday."

"You know, Leroy is the reason why I'm strong. He gives me hope and I'm glad he's in my life."

"I'm glad about that but I have to go now." He said.

"No, stay with me, don't leave me again." I begged.

"I wish I could stay, but you have to wake up from this dream. I love you, little sis." He croaked.

"I love you too Dre, you'll forever be in my heart."A tear slid down my face.

It felt dark, everywhere was dark. The darkness was blinding me and I tried to escape by opening my eyes but my vision was blur. My eyes fought to stabilize things and during the process, I could see a figure sitting next to me. For a reason which I couldn't tell, I wasn't scared.

Finally, my vision was stable and I recognized the face immediately, it was her. Was I imagining things again? Seems I was going insane. I touched her, then I realized she was real, I called out her name,


Mia's POV.

"Mia, there's someone here to see you!" Mum yelled from the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. I dragged my lazy ass from the bed, toddling down the stairs. I got to the door to see him, Mr Louis Brown, Tiffany's Dad. I frowned on seeing him, I hated him for what he did.

"Uhm... I'll just excuse myself." mum said lightly, heading to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, angrily. "I came to see you," he replied.

"Why, to sign another paper for me to leave the country again?" I asked.

"Oh no dear, I'm sorry about that." He said, apologetically.

"For the record, I'm not your dear, maybe you should try next door." I tried slamming the door.

"Tiffany is sick," he blurted. His words pierced through me. I opened the door widely, meeting his eyes. He was sad, I could see it in his eyes.

"Can I come in?" He asked and I nodded, moving aside. I shut the door, leaving his escort on the other side, not like I care.

We sat in silence but the tension in the room was suffocating me. Mum walked in carrying two cups of coffee.

"I thought you both could use a cup of coffee."She stated, handing us a cup, each. He nodded in appreciation.

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