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"Hey!" I said, sitting next to Leroy. I dipped my legs into the pool, wiggling my feet for fun. Leroy was silent for a while, before walking away.

The cold silence which I received from him made me wince. After some minutes, I went in search of him. His room door was left ajar and I walked in closing the door behind me.

"We need to talk." I sat on the edge of his bed, fiddling my hands nervously.

"I have nothing to say to you and if you don't mind, I'm busy and please shut the door behind you." He replied sternly. I walked to the door but on a second thought, I decided to say what I had in mind.

"Look, I know I was rude to her and I deserve your harsh treatment, but I'm truly sorry. I already apologized to her before coming to you. It's okay if you want to purnish me for what I did. I get it, you're a disciplinarian and that's what my dad pays you for. I just came to apologize to you as well and I hope you forgive me sometime, or someday." With that, I walked out of the room and of course, shutting the door behind me.

Two hours later...

"Hey kiddo!" I looked up to see Brett smiling at me. "Hey!" I replied, giving him a small smile.

"Well...I was bored and decided to grab some ice cream and maybe pizza." Brett said, making my eyes light up at the mention of ice cream.

"Oh Brett, that's nice." I smiled, genuinely.

"I didn't want to go alone because I know girls will be drooling over me, and bugging me as well. Will you go with me?" He said, Folding his hands across his hard chest.

"Tiffany you're not yet ready. Have you forgotten we leave for my sister's house in ten minutes?"Leroy asked, interrupting my response. I raked my brain, trying to remember when I made plans with Leroy.

My eyes widened when I finally got the message that he'd forgiven me. "Let me grab my jacket." I jumped out of my bed, and headed to my closet to get a jacket in case it got cold.

"I'm so sorry Brett, I already made plans with Leroy. How about tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow's fine. Have fun sweetheart." He kissed my forehead before tapping Leroy gently on the shoulders.

The drive to Trish's house was quiet, as I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks for forgiving me." I turned to him, touching his arm. He stiffened as my hands met his strong arms, sending a jolt or electricity through my body.

"Don't congratulate yourself Butterfly, I just didn't want to go alone." He replied calmly, facing the road. "Tell yourself whatever makes you comfortable. I know you can't stay made at me. You know why? Its because we are close friends." I smiled, resting my head on the seat.

"You wish." He replied, as a small smile crept to the corner of his cheeks.

Trish and Alvin were so excited to see us, and the rest of the afternoon was fun with them. I excused myself to use the loo, when my cellphone beeped. The picture of Rick sticking out his tongue displayed on my phone, and I smiled.

R: cup cake, how are you?

T: I'm good, you?

R: Great. So...I was wondering if we could grab pizza later

T: I wish I could Rick, but I visited Leroy's family, and won't be back until later

I flushed the toilet, and used my neck to steady the phone while I washed my hands.

R: when did you start hanging out with his family?

He asked, and I could sense the anger in his voice.

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