Tattoo Girl

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"Morning!" I greeted everyone in the room, before taking a spot next to Brett.

"How was your night?" Brett asked, spreading  strawberry jam on his bread. "Great!" I shot him a smile.

The table was quiet, as dad glanced through the morning paper, while sipping his coffee. On the other hand, Katherine was flipping through a ladies magazine, and the smile that creased her face showed she was clearly enjoying what she was seeing.

I rolled my eyes, before looking at Chloe, who sat directly opposite me. I shot her an impaled look, wondering where she went the previous day.

"Chloe, when did you get in yesterday?" I asked, stirring my hot chocolate with a spoon.

"Oh! I got in early, after you must have gone out with Brett." She batted her eyelashes more than usual, before going back to her grilled cheese.

I kept my calm, but didn't cease to scrutinize her every move, until I saw something strange.

Chloe stretched to grab the jar of orange juice next to Brett, when the strap of her dress fell, to reveal a freshly drawn tattoo.

"What's that on your shoulder?" I asked, pointing at her shoulder. "What?" She asked, covering herself up immediately.

"The tattoo on your shoulder." Once the words left my mouth, everyone in the room stared at her.

"Did you get a tattoo?" Katherine asked in a stern voice. I sat back, and watched the show in delectation.

"Uhm...yeah I did." She stuttered. When Katherine demanded to see it, she was beyond scared because, I could see her swelter. I knew Katherine would scold her, and talk her into cleaning it.

"I'm off to school. If you want to ride with me, you better hurry up." I said to Chloe, picking up my bag. Katherine took a deep breath, before speaking up

"We'll talk about this when you return." She pointed her finger at Chloe. I saw the relief look on her face, as she picked up her bag nimbly. I said my goodbyes, not forgetting to give Brett a kiss.

Once settled in the car, Leroy played a cool music. "Uhm...thanks for getting me out of that awkward situation" Chloe said painfully, and I knew it took a whole nerve for her to admit I actually saved her butt.

"I didn't do it for you, I just don't want to be late because your tomfoolery." I said, with a stark expression plastered on my face.

"Oh right. I shouldn't have thanked you for getting me out of the mess, since you were the one that put me in it anyway." She spat, and it enraged me.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't tell you to go get a tattoo. Even if you wanted to put it somewhere, you should have thought of a place that isn't visible, but I guess your shallow brain didn't think about that." I spat back, causing her to gasp.

I knew my words hit her, gave her a twinge, but I cared less. Chloe was just so unnerving that being around her was so hard. She didn't like me, and I didn't like her, end of story.

"Whatever! Just stay out of my business, I'm warning you." She said, with an impending voice.

"I'm so scared. You made your business mine, the day your mum got married to my dad. If you want me to stay clear of your business, then you have to get lost."

"That's enough. Stop acting like kids." Leroy reprimanded us from the steering. I rolled my eyes, before looking out the window.

"Can we get to school already, I think Chloe's stupidity is choking me." I made a pucker face.

"And I think I'd die in few minutes of your dead stinking brain." She retorted.

"Can you ladies just keep shut for the rest of the ride?" Leroy asked, but neither of us replied. Few seconds later, he said "Thank you for your cooperation."

Chloe's POV

After my second period, I bumped into Chris, the guy who took me to the tattoo shop. I liked his company a lot, and even though my family thinks this new friend of mine is a bad influence on me, I think he's actually cool.

"Hey!" I smiled at him, but he didn't return the smile. "Hi." He replied, reluctantly.

"What's wrong, you don't seem happy." I tried to probe him, but I failed miserably.

"Nothing. Look, I enjoyed your company yesterday but I don't think we can stay friends anymore." He said quickly, looking anywhere but my face.

"What do you mean Chris. Did I do something wrong?" I tried to touch his arm, but he pulled away.

"Goodbye Chloe." He walked away before I could say a word. What just happened? I was so cool with him the previous day and today, he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore.

The school bell rang, and I moved briskly to my next class.

Tiffany's Pov

Classes went well and before I knew it, I was walking out of my last class for the day. I dropped off some books in my locker, before heading to the car.

"Where's Chloe?" I asked Leroy, as I got comfortable in the back seat. He just shrugged without saying a word.

"Really, you want me to believe you don't know?" I sighed, pulling out my phone to dial her number.

"She said something about coming back later." Leroy replied, pulling out of the the parking lot. I rolled my eyes without saying a word. Couldn't believe he let her go somewhere else.

What if she comes home with pierced ears and nose? I asked myself and shuddered at the thought of it.

"We're here." Leroy turned off the engine, and got out of the car to open the door for me but I beat him to it.

"I can open the door on my own." I said, walking into the house. Katherine was seated in on the couch with a glass of champagne on her left hand, and a magazine placed on her lap.

Jeez!! Don't you have anything better to do? I muttered to myself. She looked up at me and smiled as I got closer.

"I can see you're back from school." She grinned, but her smile was short-lived as Chloe wasn't with me.

"Where's Chloe?" She asked. "Same question I asked when I got into the car after school. Guess she's gone to get her ears and nose pierced." I stated sardonically, and she gasped.

"Is that what she told you?" She closed the magazine, looking worried. "I don't know, just guessed. Maybe you should call her and ask where she is. I'm not her babysitter." I walked towards the steps, but halted as she yelled my name.

"What? It's not my fault she's gone wild lately. I advice you tame her now before she's placed in the zoo." I grinned bitterly at her, and her face turned red in anger.

"That's enough!" Leroy yelled, glaring at me. "What? I'm just stating the obvious." I shrugged.

"Don't talk to your mother like that Tiffany, that's rude of you." He scolded. "Correction Roy, step mother." I corrected him.

"It's alright Leroy." Katherine walked away, with a tear stained face. Now I looked like the bad person.

"Bravo Tiffany. I was wrong when I thought you're capable of change. You'll always remain a selfish person who doesn't care for others but herself." With that, he walked past me, his shoulder brushing against mine.

I looked down at my finger, fighting the urge to cry. His words hurt me, and I knew I hurt Katherine too. I walked to her room and knocked but there was no reply.

"I'm sorry Katherine, didn't mean to be so careless with my words." I whispered, before walking away...

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