Surprise Surprise!

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Leroy pulled over in front of our mansion and I alighted before he could open the door for me. I was damn pissed off if you ask me. I got inside, heading to my room. I skipped the stairs not wanting him to catch up with me.
Once in I got to my room, vanilla fragrance in my room swept through my nose, as I shut the door behind me. I loved my room a lot because It always provided me the warmth and comfort I needed. I need to go for a swim I said to myself, getting rid of my clothes. I was left with my bikini on. I grabbed a towel from a ton of neatly wrapped towels by the side of my room and headed for the pool.
"Get me a bottle of white wine from the cellar and bring it over to the pool." I said to a maid I spotted by the door. I placed my towel on one of the pool beds, stepping into the pool. I closed my eyes enjoying how cold the water felt on my bare skin.
"Miss Tiffany," a familiar voice called out. I gasped realizing it's no other person than Leroy and I gave him a puzzled look.

"Uhm, I thought I should give you the wine myself." He said, pouring a little quantity of it into two glass cups. I leaned on the wall of the pool still wondering what he was still doing here. He handed me a glass of wine and I stupidly accepted.
"I didn't bargain drinking with you." I said, taking a sip of the wine.
"Relax, I'm just trying to be friendly here." He said, smiling at me and I noticed his white set of teeth.

"I don't think my dad is paying you for extra time so why don't you go home." I snapped, taking a long sip this time around. Speaking of home, he was changed into a black T-shirt and shorts now.

"OMG!" I puked on my drink.
"You live here now?" I asked him widening my eyes in shock. He grinned. "Yes, I'm your new house mate." He said, raising his glass at me and mouthing cheers.

"Wow, I'm beginning to wonder if you're my disciplinarian  or dad hired you to piss me off." I blurted.
"Hmm, think what makes you comfortable." He poured himself another drink. "Your dad wants you to have dinner with him tonight at 7." He said and I scoffed.
"We've not had a meal together over a year now, so why the request?" I rhetorically asked.

"Well I'm not going." I muttered.
"Trust me, you're sure going to have dinner with him." Leroy said, holding out my towel. "And what if I refuse?" I asked curtly. He shot me a mischievous smile before bringing out what looked like my iPhone 11 from his pocket.

Oh wait, that's my phone. I immediately got out of the water, stepping close to him.
"How the hell did you get my phone?" I spat angrily.
"Easy Miss, you dropped it on the pool bed, I knew you wouldn't come willingly so I took this instead to get you to eat dinner with your dad,"he stated, quite victorious.
"Who gave you the right to come into my life and act like you're my mum.' I yelled.

"Your dad gave me the right to do anything to you in order to knock some sense into you, excluding hitting you." He replied, almost in a whisper.
"Now please dry your body Miss or you'll catch a cold." He begged, offering me the towel. The cold air caressed my skin and I was already shivering. I grabbed the towel wiping my body with it. When I was done, it was all wet.
I threw it on his face and It covered his face like a veil. I turned to leave the pool, grabbing the bottle of wine violently and smiling mischievously.

He wants to play dirty, I've got my whole clothes soaked in dirt, he should bring it on.

** ** ** ** **
It was already six thirty by the time I checked my watch, which meant I had thirty minutes to get ready for this so called dinner. I scanned my wardrobe for a nice dress. Perfect, I spotted a black laced gown in my dresser and I slipped it on as I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I sat in front of my mirror for what seemed like ages applying a bit of mascara and looking for the perfect style for my hair.

Wait a minute, who am I getting all dressed and pretty for? I asked myself. I wore a white bead necklace that stretched to my boobs. Aha! I said to myself delighted. I looked at my watch again, I was twenty minutes late.
Hmm, I always wonder how girls spend hours just to slip a dress on. I wore a back suede shoe, as I stepped out of the room.

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