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"Brett!" I called out again as my breath hitched. "That's me baby sis." He replied, taking two strides towards me.

"I've missed you so much." My voice quaked as he pulled me into a bear hug.

Technically, I have an older brother. He's actually my step brother. Mum conceived him with her first husband, Bryan but he died from an explosion in his company. Three years after Brett's birth and Bryan's death, mum got married to my dad. Brett hasn't been in the picture because he stayed with Bryan's sister, Lauren in Metropolis, but he visited every Christmas and mum cherished him so much.

"I know I went AWOL on you Tee and I'm truly sorry. Things have been rough with me lately and it's been difficult for me to get over her death too." He raked his hand through his hair, showing his muscles. Damn! He's grown so big and handsome these past years.

"I'm glad you're here Brett. You can't imagine how lonely, broken and bitter I've been." I sat next to him, rubbing his hands gently.

"Me too Tee. But we have to move on for her sake." He was absolutely right. Holding on to the pain would only hurt me more.

"Yeah. So when are you leaving." I asked, knowing fully well he never stayed more than two weeks.

"I don't know. Maybe a year or two." His face expressionless.

"Truce Brett." I hit him on the chest. "I mean it. I've come to stay. Your dad asked me to come home. He adopted me so now, he's my dad as well." He finished and my mouth hung open.

"Why now, after all this years?" I asked in confusion.

"I don't know. He said something about wanting to make things right and fulfilling mum's wish. He met me six years ago but I told him I had to finish college before accepting the whole thing because, I needed more time with my other family. So, we met some months ago after my graduation, and I accepted. Two weeks ago, everything was sort out and I'm officially a member of the family, and he gave me a seat in his company." He finished.

"Why didn't I know about it?" I asked again. "He wanted to surprise you. He really loves you Tee, and he's doing all he can to make you realize he's not the bad guy here." He tuck a loosed hair behind my ear.

"I'm so excited Brett. The whole thing is like a dream to me but..." I began, leaning closer. "His new wife and step daughter are getting on my nerves." I whispered.

"I also heard you hate everyone Tee, and that's going to change." He tapped my nose and I groaned. Whatever! I'm still glad you're here. I smiled at him.

"Same here Tee." He pulled me into a hug.

I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I called out, placing my comb on the table.

"Hey, sorry to disturb." Leroy walked in, carrying a tray.

"No it's fine. What's up and what's in the tray?" I asked, walking to my bed. He dropped the tray on my table to reveal a small box which looked like a box from my favorite snack store. "Wait is this..." I couldn't finish my statement because he nodded, knowing what I had in mind.

I quickly unboxed it to see the content inside, and my eyes widened to see donuts with different toppings. My mouth watered immediately at the sight of them.

"Oh Roy, you really know how to get me." I cried, taking a bite. "Fudge, this is so good. Take, have one bite." He took a bite, and nodded in affirmation. We sat in silence, munching away.

"So, whose the new guy?" Leroy asked. "He's my step brother." I replied lazily, pushing the empty box aside.

"Care to elaborate?" He asked again, and I nodded. I spent the next ten minutes telling him the story and at the end, he sighed.

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