Back to School

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"Wake up, it's time to get ready for school." Leroy called out, opening the curtains violently, as the light ray met with my eyes.

"Go away!" I said lazily, dragging the quilt to my face.

"Really, I thought you're mature enough to know what's right Butterfly. You gave yourself an extra week after the wedding and yet, you're not satisfied?" Leroy half yelled.

"Okay fine, I'm getting up, I'm up. No need for the lecture." I pouted, heading to the bathroom...

I got to the dinning few minutes later to see Dad and Katherine having breakfast.

"When did you arrive?" I asked, plopping on my favorite seat, while a maid(whatever she's named), poured me a cup of hot chocolate.

"Morning to you too," Dad frowned. "Sorry. Morning dad, morning Katherine, so how was the honey moon?." I sipped the hot chocolate, which made me alert and ready for my first day at school after the wedding.

"It was awesome. I went to the spa, went shopping, drank margaritas on the beach..." She blabbed and I rolled my eyes.

"Its nothing new. I mean, you do that here, so why should it be so exciting?" I rhetorically asked.

"Well, maybe because it was my honeymoon." She half smiled, going back to her omelette. Whatever, I muttered.

"Morning!" Chloe greeted, walking into the room. She sat next to me, as the maid poured her an orange juice.

"Are you excited about your first day?" Katherine asked her. "Mhm... I'm so excited that I couldn't sleep." She grinned.

"It's obvious." I remarked.
"That's enough Tiffany." Dad cautioned, shaking his head. The room fell silent, as we ate. After some minutes, I stood up to leave.

"Bye." I turned to leave.
"Aren't you waiting for your sister?" Katherine asked. I looked over to Chloe who was so reluctant to get up.

"I think she can find her way." I replied, turning to leave.

"Pumpkin, I forgot to tell you the both of you will ride in your car everyday to school." Dad wiped his lips with a napkin, while sending me a mischievous smile.

"What?" My eyes widened in surprise. I looked at dad and he gave me the you can't talk me out of it glare.

"I'd hate to be late for school." I said, in gritted teeth. "Says the person who loathe going to school." She remarked, standing on her feet. I let out a groan before walking away.

Once in the car, Leroy began driving and I looked out the window, trying to keep my anger under control.

"Do your best not to embarrass me." I mumbled after a while.

"And do your best not to talk to me in school. I'd hate for people to know we're related." She huffed.

"Trust me Chloe, I won't even spare a glance at your direction because it'll be embarrassing when people find out you're my step sister, it'll ruin my image." I sneered.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you. What image are you talking about? The one that's already been trodden on?" She asked, in a mockery tone.

"Just watch your back in there Chloe. As much as I detest you, I wouldn't want you to be hurt and inside those walls, you'll see the good, the bad and the ugly. Don't trust any of them." I said, shocking myself. Her eyes widened in surprise, as she never expected it.

The car pulled to a stop and I smiled at her, stepping out of the car.

Chloe's POV.

Tiffany's last statement took me unawares and I found myself blinking more than expected. She actually gave me an advice.

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