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Just like the hands of a clock, two weeks went by without so much drama. Hey don't get me wrong, It's nice to have some peace and quiet around the house. Rick and I hung out often, had exquisite dates, rough make out session, and a normal relationship.

I was having a nice sun-bath by the pool, when Chloe walked up to me, muttering to herself.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked me, fiddling her hands. I took off my shades, and nodded.

"Okay, I'm in deep shit." She paused after the statement, hoping to get a reaction from me but my face was expressionless. I couldn't care less of whatever shit she's gotten herself into.

"I hung out with one of my class boys, Robin and this morning I found out he spread rumors of us having sex, and me being so terrible in bed." She spilled out. As the words left her mouth, I choked in my own saliva.

"What did you just say?" I asked her, hoping I heard wrong. She looked down, looking so sad and depressed.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, acting unaffected. "I don't know, I think maybe you can help me since you're a senior and a popular one at that." she sat next to me on the pool bed, but I recoiled immediately.

I was popular but I'm close to invincible now. "Look, I don't know what my role is in this whole story you just told me, but I don't think I can help you. Why should I help you, when you've been nothing but trouble to me?" I asked her. Her face deflated immediately.

You're right, there's no reason for you to help me because I'm the step sister you despise so much, we also don't see eye to eye. I was stupid to think you can actually help me. You're just a selfish person who cares only for herself. Get back to whatever you were doing." She stood up, and walked away.

Throughout the day I couldn't take my mind off what she said and the disappointed which was written all over her face when she left. She even called me selfish.

I've heard worst from her, but my conscience kept pricking me. Whatever! it's her mess, not mine. It was her duty to fix it, not mine.

I walked out of the pool, to the cellar for a bottle of white wine. Once inside, I heard the door click from outside and I rushed to the door to find it locked.

"Hey open up, I'm in here." I yelled, banging on the wooden oak door, but there was no response. I kept banging and yelling yet, there was no response. Whoever locked the door, did it to spite me. Then it hit me, CHLOE!

"Chloe, I know you locked me up on purpose just because I refused to help you get out of the mess you put yourself into. Let me out of here now." I yelled. When I realized there was no hope, I grabbed a bottle of wine and cocked it with a wine opener placed on the table.

Dad would come into the cellar sometimes to drink, so he decided to put a couch and a table to make it more comfortable for him. This is so gonna be a long day for me, I muttered to myself, before taking a gulp of the wine.

Leroy's POV

When I spotted Butterfly heading for the cellar, the idea of playing pranks with her popped in my head, and I locked her in for the fun of it. I stood on the other side of the door as she yelled and banged it continuously. Trust me, it was funny.

Soon, she started saying something about Chloe and I listened. Maybe this was the best time to make them work things out. Either they kill themselves in there, or they sort things out like two adult. Well, Chloe was not an adult...yet.

I went in search of Chloe and luckily, I met her in the kitchen stabbing her pancakes with a fork. I stood there for a while and saw the emotions running through her face but most importantly, I saw disappointment.

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