I Don't Love You.

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"Edward!" Katherine exclaimed. I couldn't read the expression on her face. Was she surprised, shocked or terrified? Only one way to find out.

"This is about to get ugly." I muttered to Perry .

Katherine's POV.

I was shocked to see my ex- husband, Edward. I didn't invite him and the last time I heard from him was months after our divorce and he was serving time in jail for drugs. Technically, the last time I saw him was four years ago. What the hell was he doing here, who invited him? I wondered.

The look on Louise's face was heartbreaking, he was speechless. My past finally caught up with me. I lied to Louis, I told him Edward was dead, now things have gone from bad to worse.

"Is that Edward, your dead husband?." He asked in fright.

"I'm sorry Louis, he was never dead, he was serving time in jail for drugs." I tried to explain.

"Hold up! You mean you've been lying to me the whole time?." He asked in an angry tone.

"Its not what you think..." I tried to explain but impatience took over him.

"You got me fooled Katherine, how long were u planning on leading me on Katty? I'm sorry but I can't marry a liar." He spat angrily, walking out of the garden in disappointment.

"Oh God! What have I gotten myself into." I cried...

Chloe's POV.

To say I'm shocked is a misplacement of words. Dad was the least person I expected to see and I was unhappy with the way Louis left the garden, he was rattled.

I watched as Tiffany ran after her Dad while I ran to mum. She was a mess and wouldn't let me help. She held up her overflowing gown, running away and leaving me in total confusion.

"Chloe." Dad called out my name and I turned to meet his gaze.

"What are you doing here?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Whoa! Not a nice thing to say to your father after four years." He gave me a cocky smile.

"You've not answered me, this wedding is based on invitation so how did you get past security?" I asked one more time, loosing my cool.

"That's not important, you never visited me while in prison not even once." He sounded disappointed but I couldn't care less. Why would I visit him in jail? He was a horrible father and most importantly, a horrible husband.

"And this is how you make your first appearance after you got out?" I furrowed my brows at him.

"Come on! I came to take my family home." He smirked.

"You lost your family when you constantly abused mum and was jailed for drugs. Besides, you two are divorced." I snapped, growing impatient with his nonsense.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a changed man." He tried to sound convincing but I would never be stupid to believe him.

"Our lives are better without you. Go back to hell and take your bullshit with you because you're dead to us." I shook my head in disgust as I walked out on him...

Tiffany's POV.

"Dad wait!" I ran after dad but he kept walking towards the Wi-Fi house. I tried to catch up with him and I finally did.

"I know you feel betrayed, but dad, try to hear her out." I spoke, trying to catch my breath but he ignored me, dialing a number.

"Jake get the jet ready, I'm leaving for New Jersey." He hung up, dialing another number.

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