Good News, Bad News

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"Morning Trish" I greeted, taking a seat in the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie, how was your night?" She asked, flipping the pancakes on the stove.
"Better than I imagined." I replied.

I picked up an apple from the fruit basket, taking a bite from it. Actually, I slept better last night, although the bed wasn't as big as mine but it was comfortable.

"Morning all." Leroy waltzed in and I couldn't help but stare at his bare chest.

"Could you please put on a shirt, you're giving Tiffany a hard time breathing." Trish scolded him. Leroy rolled his eyes before sitting next to me and grabbing the apple from me. "Hey!" I half yelled.

He ignored me, taking a bite of the apple and I huffed in annoyance. "Alright, you can have it back." Leroy motioned the apple to me and I slapped his hand away in disgust.

"Take that contaminated thing out of my face." I frowned. "You guys are so cute." Trish tapped my nose and I shrieked. Before Leroy could utter a word, my phone buzzed and I looked at the screen to see Rick pouting. A video call from him. I raised a finger to Leroy, motioning him to hold his statement, before hitting on the answer button.

"Hey babe" I waved at him.

"Hey, how's my girl doing?"

"I'm good and you?"

"Great. Was hoping we could have breakfast together." He announced excitedly.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you but I'm not home. Visited Leroy's sister yesterday but would be back by noon." I replied, pouting.

"You didn't tell me?" He frowned.

"Yeah I know and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you."

"Pinky promise?"
"Yeah. See ya when I see ya."

"Alright. Call me once you get back okay?"

"Alright, bye."

Call disconnected...

"Sweetheart, breakfast's ready. Bring Alvin with you." Trish yelled, as I dropped my phone on the table.

"Coming in a sec." He yelled back. Trish placed two plates of pancakes in front of Leroy and I, with an orange juice. I stabbed mine with a fork but couldn't eat because I felt Leroy's impaled eyes on me.

"What?" I asked calmly.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

I knew something was wrong but I decided not to push further. "Your Pancake tastes nice." I complimented Trish.

"Thanks dear, I'm glad you like it," was her reply, as we ate in silence. Through out breakfast, Alvin kept asking me questions and I did my best to give a befitting answer...

After breakfast, Leroy and I hung out with Trish and her husband before setting off. Trish promised to bring Alvin to the mansion during his next school break and I look forward to seeing him. God! I love that kid.

"Why are you smiling to yourself?" Leroy asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Just thinking of the fun I had with your family." I smiled again, reminiscing on the past hours. "They are fun right? And dont forget the cookies Trish gave to you." He added.

"Yes yes, just by looking, I know they'll be nice. Your family is small but happy, unlike mine." I finished, frowning.

"Don't say that Butterfly, no family is without flaws and for the fact we are happy, doesn't mean everything is perfect." He assured me.

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