Chapter 2 ~Everyone Loves Raymond...Oh wait. I Meant Harry

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Author's Note: (Everyone loves Raymond is an old tv show. It's awesome and you should check it out on netflix) Hey guys! This is chappie 2. You know what's really disappointing? When you right 5 pages on a document and it only shows up as one here. But that's okay I guess. Hopefully my chapters will get longer. This chapter is dedicated to smileypie because she was my first comment. So yay! Alright I'll stop now. Enjoy!

Edited by: Supermaaan14

Louis POV:

Finally lunch came, to my pleasure. It was pretty much the only part of school I didn't hate with a burning passion. Besides P.E. of course. I don't know why people insist sending kids to this hell hole. I mean, so far I'm not learning anything useful so, how is this helping me? Oh wait, it's not.

"Vas happenin' bro?" My friend Zayn said, slapping on my back.

Zayn is definitely my closest friend. I've known him since kindergarten so we're pretty tight. Zayn is the only one I trust with anything. I don't think anyone will ever know me as well as Zayn does. If there's one person I want by my side, it's Zayn.

Zayn is a pretty chill dude. A lot like me, personality wise. Laid back, just living life to the fullest. Can't say he looks much like me though. He's got dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin. He definitely attracted the ladies. Believe it or not though, he wasn't the player type. He's actually been going steady with his girlfriend Perrie for 4 years now. My longest relationship hasn't even lasted 4 minutes.

"He's here." I said.

He sat down at the table across from me, "Who? Harry?"


He shrugged his shoulders, rolling his eyes, "I don't see what you have against him. It's not like he did anything to you Louis."


"Afraid he's going to ruin your reputation, aren't you?"

I gasped, pretending to be offended, "Wow Zayn. You make me sound so heartless."

"It's true though isn't it?"

I smirked. Zayn knew me so well, "Maybe."

Zayn laughed, "Aw. But see. I know what's going to happen."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? And what is that?"

"See, what's going to happen is you're going to start caring for him. He's gonna steal your little 'punk' heart. But, of course, knowing you, you'll probably try and hide it. Which will make you a complete dumbass. He's going to hate you and you're going to wish you hadn't messed this up."

I thought about for a second, "Naw. Not gonna happen, but keep wishing."

Zayn raised an eyebrow just like I had, "I don't need to wish for something I know is going to happen."

I crossed my arms, "Oh yeah? And how do you know it's going to happen?"

"Because I know you. And that's what you do. You pretend to be a complete asshole by pushing away everyone you love and anyone who could possibly love you."

He did have a point. But I wasn't going to admit that was I? "Well you're still here aren't you?"

He laughed, "I'm just lucky."

"Whatchya talkin' 'bout?" Our other friend Niall said. He took the seat next to Zayn.

"Harry," I said.

You're Not My Brother: Larry Stylinson AU; StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now