Chapter 21~ The Letter

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Edited by: Supermaaan14

Louis' Point of View

"Louis!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah?!" I yelled back. I was currently working on an English assignment that was due in a few days.

We had gotten back from Disneyland two days ago, and now it was time to get down to business and start my homeschooling/independent study. After riding tons of roller coasters, taking pictures with Disney characters and hanging out at the spa, after all of that, this was a major disappointment.

Harry was in his own room doing Physics or something. We weren't allowed to be in the same room during our studies because we would just distract each other. And our teacher (aka my father) wasn't having any of that.

"There's a letter in the mail for you!"

"Okay! I'm coming!"

I closed my notebook and quickly went downstairs. "Is it from mum?"

"I don't know. It has no name and no return address."

I frowned, "That's weird. I wonder who it's from then."

My dad shrugged, "Don't know. Guess you'll just have to open it."

Curiously, I tore open the letter. When I saw who it was from I gasped.

"What's wrong?" My dad asked with concern.

"N-nothing. It's just... it's from Harry."

"Aw... did he write you a love letter?"

I rolled my eyes, "Can I take this to my room?"

He nodded, "Go ahead. Lunch is in a half an hour."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

I practically ran upstairs to and shut the door to my room.

Lying down on my bed, I started to read...

Dear Jay and Louis,

It's Harry. I just wanted to let you know how I feel about...well, tons of stuff. I've never quite expressed how I think about everything you've done for me. And I think it's time that I did. And what better way to tell you than with this whole letter thing?

I'm not quite sure how to put all of this into words, but I'll try my best because I want you to fully understand just how much you mean to me.

Jay, when you married my dad I wasn't the boy you saw; I wasn't a little ball of joy. I was depressed, angry and just done with everything, but when my dad met you, I found something I hadn't felt in a while: Hope.

I know things didn't exactly go well with my father, but in all honesty, I'm not sure I would change it. Because even though we lost a lot, we also gained a lot.

Jay: You are the most accepting person I've ever met. Never once have you judged Louis or I, even with all the shit we create for you. It was because of you that I was able to fully come to terms with my sexuality and wow. I cannot thank you enough for that.

Before I met you, I hadn't really trusted anyone enough to talk about it except, maybe, my friend Ed, but even with him sometimes it wasn't perfect. I was so lost, but I had no one to really guide me and help me understand who I was.

I thought that people would only think I was this way because of my family situation. I didn't think people would get why I felt this way. I mean, if I couldn't, who could? Why should I expect anyone to be able to sort through my feelings if I couldn't even do it myself?

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