Hey Guys...

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Hey guys,

So, I really owe all of you an apology. I haven't updated in a few weeks and I know for those of you who have been continuously following the story, it's disappointing.

I understand if you're disappointed in me and stop reading the story, or whatever. I'm sorry :(

I've just been super busy with school and church lately. Also, my gf and I broke up and there's been so much drama going on with my friends. It sucks.

I have a plan for the next chapter and I've started writing a little bit but I haven't had time to just sit down and write. You know? I'm trying. I really am. I'm so sorry. So, so sorry.

On the good side, there's only like 7 or so chapters left and I will  try to get one done each week. Hopefully this book will be finished by the end of December, if not sooner.

I may be writing a sequel or a spin off, but we'll get to that later :)

Thank you so, so much for your support. It means a lot to see the votes and comments because it gives me the motivation to write.

Love you all and will work to have the chapter up by Wednesday(?) If not sooner. And latest Friday.

Thanks again :)

You're Not My Brother: Larry Stylinson AU; StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now