Chapter 3~ It'll Be Fun, He Said.

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Authors Note: Hey guys!!!! Yay! I'm back from my trip and I was really tired yesterday when I got back so I relaxed but I really wanted to get the story up ASAP because it's going to be an awesome chapter. This is dedicated to adorinjustin because she's awesome and yeah... check out her stories No Sound and No Sound 2. Also, thanks so much for the comments, votes, and reads. Now back to the story.

Edited by: Supermaaan14

Louis POV:

I leaned up against my car, waiting for Harry. I was tired and the day had been long. I was definitely ready to get out of this hellhole. I would've ditched school, but one more detention and I get suspended.

"Hey..." Harry came up to the car, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes, "You're late again."

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's fine. Ever thought of buying a watch though?"


"I'm kidding..." Well this was awkward.

And so was the whole car ride to the ice cream place. I swear, the boy might as well be mute. I don't know why he couldn't just say a few sentences. If every time there is an awkward silence a gay baby is born, then he's created a lot of gaybies.

We went into the ice cream shop and ordered. He got Rainbow Sherbet and I got Mint. After paying for an ice cream, we went back outside.

"You're not getting in my car with that." I said.

"Oh. Ok."

I sighed, "Let's just walk around or something."

So we did. Silently, as usual. Until I got really annoyed.

"Will you fucking say something?"


"You never say anything to me. You talk to everyone else perfectly fine, but then when you're with me barely a word comes out of your mouth."


"And then you do that. You apologize. It's really annoying. I may be rude Harry, but I'm not going to hurt you."

"God damn it Louis! What do you want me to say?!"

"So you CAN talk....I don't know Harry. Something about yourself besides a list of your favorite things. It'd be nice to at least know something about my...stepbrother I guess."

"Technically, you have a stepsister too."

"Wait, what?"

"Gemma. She's my older sister. I haven't seen her in a while..."

"Oh. So if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your mom?"

"She died."

"I'm so sorry Harry. Mum and I don't always get along, but I still love her and can't imagine things without her..."

He shrugged, "By the time they figured out she had cancer, it was too late. She was already in Stage 4 and the tumor covered so much of her brain that if they tried to take it out, if it didn't kill her, she'd be brain dead anyways... We couldn't afford the surgery or treatment so she died two weeks later after we found out. My dad didn't want to raise a girl, so he sent Gemma to live with our aunt."

"Oh my god."

He didn't look like he wanted to talk anymore and I could tell he looked really upset and wanted to change the subject, "So what about your dad?"

You're Not My Brother: Larry Stylinson AU; StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now