Chapter 6~ He Likes Boys

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Edited by: Supermaaan14

*Louis' POV*

Today is tuesday, and so far everything was going wrong. Zayn avoided me all of yesterday and Harry had been quiet since Sunday. I don't know what was wrong. Not only was Zayn avoiding me, but even if our eyes met he would just glare or scowl then look away. I couldn't find him at lunch yesterday, but today he was sitting with us.

"Louis!" Niall said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What Niall?" I asked, annoyed. Maybe I was a little grumpy. But I had good reasons.

"When are you going to ask out Eleanor?"

I glanced at Zayn and saw a flash of anger pass through his eyes. He cleared his throat, "I'm gonna get something to drink."

I watched him walk away, pissed. "Um. I don't know. Today after school I guess." I looked at Harry, "I'll find you another ride home."

He just nodded and stared down at his food, pushing it around on his plate.

I raised any eyebrow, "Haz, are you okay?"

He coughed, "I think I'm getting sick again."

"Maybe you should stay home again tomorrow."

"I'm fine, Louis!" he snapped. "I'm gonna go find Zayn."

What the hell?

"Okay...What's going on Louis? What did you do?"Niall asked.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

Niall said, "It's pretty obvious that Zayn is incredibly pissed, and Harry seems off too."

"Well, Harry just said he was sick, he's probably just tired." Liam said.

"Okay, but what about Zayn?" Niall asked.

They both turned to me.

"Why are you looking at me? I have no clue what's going on with him." I held my hands up in surrender.

Liar, my mind said.

The bell rang and Niall ran off with some girl named Demi, and Liam practically cornered me into a wall. The nerd is not so nerdy after all. "So, what's really wrong with Zayn? I know you know." He said.

I grimaced, "That obvious, huh?'

He laughed, "Yeah, you're a horrible liar."

I sighed, "It's about this whole Eleanor thing."

He nodded, "Go on..."

" I don't actually like her.."

"Then...why? I don't get why you'd date a girl you don't actually like."

"Because...Because of Harry."

*Eleanor's POV*

I slammed the door to my locker and sighed heavily, today had been a long day. A bitch named Taylor got in a fight with me. The urge to punch her stupid face was unbearable. She was just so annoying. She went after so many guys which is none of my business, but why did she always have to complain about them?

"Hey El." I almost had a heart attack. I never thought it'd hurt so bad seeing Louis Tomlinson stand over me at my locker. Saying I had a crush on him was an understatement.

"Oh. Uh, hi Louis. What are you doing here?" I barely managed to get out.

"I was just wondering if we could head to your house? There's some stuff I want to tell you and I need to ask you a question."

I almost fainted, Louis Tomlinson was asking to come to my house. MY HOUSE. And he wanted to talk to ME.

Most of my friends didn't like punk boys, not that Louis was that punk anyways. But they thought they were weird. I loved them. Well, Louis at least, he was just so hot and I don't think he was as mean and scary as some people thought. He was quiet but not mean. And having tattoos doesn't make you scary and mean so I have no idea where people got that idea from.

"Oh, sure, that's fine. I'll meet you there." I finally said.

He smiled, "Okay, thanks. What's your address?"

I quickly scribbled down my address on his hand, blushing. I told him I'd see him soon and rushed out to my car.

~Eleanor's House~

The doorbell rang and my heart skipped a beat. It must be Louis, I thought.

I padded down the hall in my socks and opened up the door. "Hey, come in." I stepped aside and let him in.

He looked around, "Wow. You have a nice house. You live just around the corner from my friend Liam."

"Oh, thanks," I said, leading him into the kitchen. "So do you want anything to drink? Water? Lemonade? Pepsi?"

"I'll take a pepsi. Thanks."

"No problem." I got two pepsis out of the refrigerator and brought some brownies over to the table in front of the couch he was sitting on. I sat down next to him and said, "So, what did you want to tell me?"

I had no clue what I was getting into when I asked that question. The next thing I knew Louis was telling me about Harry and all that wonderful stuff. I almost started laughing out loud. This was an unexpected plot twist.

"So, will you help me?" he asked.

I stared at him

"Please El. I know it's a lot to ask, especially since you actually like me. But, I need them to think we're actually dating. Please."

I jumped on him, giving him a hug and squealing, "Of course I will!"

He gave me a surprised look "I thought you would be mad...?"

"What?! No! I've always wanted a gay best friend."

He smiled, "Thanks El. I owe you."

I smiled. I can't believe he likes boys.

Author's Note: If you haven't figured it out by now or if you've never heard of it, the multimedia for this song is the Louis Tomlinson/ Larry Version of He Likes Boys. Which is on the side on the desktop version and some mobile versions. Otherwise, it's on youtube. No Qfc today except for...Do you hate me now?"

You're Not My Brother: Larry Stylinson AU; StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now