Chapter 5.3 ~ Are We Gay? (Chapter 5 Tag)

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Author's Note: Hey this is the last part of chapter 5. Blah blah okay read!

Edited by: Supermaaan14

*Harry's Point of View*


Eleanor? Who was Eleanor? Had I met her? Her name sounded familiar. Whoever she was, I already hated her. There was a pain in my stomach. I didn't want Louis to be taken away from me. Especially by a girl.

"ELEANOR?!?! WHAT???" Niall almost shouted, earning a glare from Louis, who was unaware that Zayn was giving him the same squinty-eyed look. "I thought you said she was annoying?! You're always complaining about her!"

"Well...yeah...but I changed my mind."

Niall went over and slapped Louis.


Niall shrugged, "Just making sure you're still sane."

Louis shoved him, "I am perfectly sane. God Niall."

"Yes, I know I'm a God. What else would I be with these stunning good looks," Niall said.

Louis rolled his eyes, "You're such an ass."

"Harry, are you okay? You look kind of pale." Liam said.

I felt sick. Lunch from earlier threatened to come back up as a wave of nausea hit me. I wanted to faint. "I'm okay," I mumbled. "I just... Louis, can we go home now?" I pleaded with my eyes.

Louis gave me an odd look, "Um, sure. C'mon Zayn."

*Louis' P.O.V.*

"If I was over there right now I'd slap you," Zayn said later that night as I talked to him on the phone.

"Shh. Keep it down," I said. Everyone was already asleep. "And Niall already did, so one a day is good thank you."

"I mean. I seriously cannot believe you right now," Zayn went on, "You had the perfect opportunity."

"Zayn you seriously expected me to just tell him? Right there? In that exact moment?"

"Maybe not. But that doesn't mean you had to bring Eleanor into it!" I knew Zayn was just trying to be a good friend, but this was already frustrating without him making me feel worse.

"She's not going to be in this. It's not like she's gonna find out." I said.

"You don't think they'll get suspicious? Especially since it would be so ridiculously easy to ask her out the way she's attached to you?"

"Okay, then, fine. I'll ask her out, " I growled.

"And break her heart? And Harry's?" Zayn said.

"I don't know Zayn! Okay?! Just leave me alone. I'll figure it out. And don't act like your life is so perfect either. How do you plan on explaining to Perrie that you like someone else? Someone who's a guy?"

Zayn was silent for a while. Then he said, "You know what Louis? Go ahead. Screw this up. But don't come asking for my help when this is all over. And don't say I didn't warn you."

I heard a click and I knew Zayn had hung up on me. In more ways than one.

Author's Note: Finally done with chappie 5. I have no QfC except for your opinion on chappie 5. Either this part or the chapter as a whole. Ready set go!

You're Not My Brother: Larry Stylinson AU; StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now