Chapter 7- Elounor/Larry

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Author's Note: So, I really want the reads to go back up because they're pretty low right now. So, can we get 300 reads on this chapter? Tell your friends. I'm not uploading 'til then because the next chapter is one of the BEST chapters of the whole book. But, I know you guys have been waiting so here's kind of a filler that still progresses the story, but not too much.

Edited by: Supermaaan14

Louis POV

A month or so passed by. Some parts of my life got better, some got worse, and some stayed the same.

Zayn pretty much hated me and was non-existent. He has completely stopped talking, looking, or having anything to do with me. I don't understand why he was so mad at me. It wasn't like I was hurting anyone. Besides, it was my life. My choice. I do what I please.

At least Liam understood that. After I told him about my feelings for Harry and why I needed to date Eleanor, he just nodded. He told me to just do what I felt was right until the time felt right.

He was doing pretty well himself. He and Zayn still constantly hung out with each other, despite Zayn's current status of ignoring me. Harry hung out with them a lot as well. Liam was a good friend to Harry and I'm glad Harry had someone.

Harry and I continued to grow closer. Well, when I wasn't with Eleanor at least. I mean I still made time for him I guess, but it seemed like I was always with Eleanor.

Eleanor and I somehow became the school's  "power-couple." Everyone wanted our relationship. If only they knew it was fake. I guess Eleanor and I have good chemistry. Too bad I'm not straight.

Niall was probably the best out of all of us. He started dating Demi and Eleanor says they're adorable. Demi loves to bake and Niall loves to eat so they make a great pair.

Eleanor ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek just as I closed my locker door. "Hey."

I hugged her. "Hi."

She smiled and folded her arms, leaning against the locker next to me. "So, how is my gay best friend doing today?"

I rolled my eyes and looked around, "I seriously wish you would stop calling me that."

She giggled, "Sorry... no can do."

I took her hand as we walked to her class. I could feel people watching us. Don't people have anything better to do than involve themselves in other people's relationships? <Hehe. Larry Shippers.> Apparently not.

"Don't make me wish I had asked Caroline ."

She crinkled her nose, "Ew. Not her."

"Or even better," I continued, "Taylor."

She playfully slapped my arm. "Don't even go there. You know I can't stand her."

I grinned, "Exactly."

"Prick," she mumbled under her breath.

"What'd you say?" I raised an eyebrow.


"Gosh. Could you say it any louder?"

She opened her mouth but I quickly slapped my hand over it. "Remind me why I'm friends with you again?"

She laughed, "Cause you love me."

"True, but I love Harry more."

She glared at me playfully, "You suck."


She cut me off, "OH MY GOD, LOUIS THAT'S SO GROSS!"

"What? I'm a guy. The jokes were going to come eventually."

"Yeah, cool, but no. I'm good."

"If you're going to be my best friend, you're going to get used everything. Dirty jokes included."

She huffed, "Fine."

We stopped at her classroom door.

"So we're still on for our 'date' tonight, right?" I asked her.

"Yep. See you at lunch!"" She pecked my lips. Then she went into her class.

I headed to my own class, which I shared with Harry.

I took my seat next to him seconds before the bell rang. "Hey," I said to him.

"Hey, Eleanor again?" He asked, not even looking up.

"Um, yeah." I started to sharpen my pencil.

"Don't forget Taco Thursday tonight." he said.

My pencil snapped. I didn't even know I'd been sharpening it that hard. "I- I can't. Eleanor and I have a date."

"Of course." He said, sighing. Then he mumbled something I couldn't make out.

"What?" I asked.

"I said, 'Of course.'"

"No, after that." I said. I noticed his usually curly hair was a bit crazy today. I had been noticing that a lot lately.


"What about Eleanor?" I asked. I hope he liked her. She was really nice to him. They'd be good friends.

"No, ELOUnor."

"What's that mean?"

"It's yours and Eleanor's names combined. Something about a ship or something?"

"Ship? What? You're confusing me."

"A ship is like a couple I guess. I don't know. Don't ask me."

"So me and Eleanor is Elounor? Do ships have last names?"

I asked, curious.

"Well. Some people say Elounor Calderson but most people just say Elounor."

An idea popped into my head, "So what would our ship be called if we had one?"

He gave me a weird look, "I don't know. Does it matter?"

Sassy, I thought. That's my job. "Lourry?" I pressed on.

He shrugged, "Or Larry. I guess."

"I like that. Larry...Stylinson?"

He nodded, "Larry Stylinson."

I looked down at my broken pencil and smiled. Larry Stylinson. I liked the sound of that. It went through my head continuously for the rest of the period.

Larry Stylinson

Author's Note: There you guys go. Next Chapter is coming soon. It's going to be awesome. There's no Larry but you'll see why.

QfC: 1) How long have you shipped Larry? How did you start ? (If you do.)

You're Not My Brother: Larry Stylinson AU; StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now