QfC~ Author's Answers

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So I told you guys I would answer all the QfC I've asked you up to this point. So, here it is. Yes, there will still be an FAQ.

Edited by: Supermaaan14

1) Do you like the story so far? (Author's Note)Yes, that's why I'm still writing it.

2) What's your fav. song? (Author's Note)

I don't have one. Right now, I really like 'Human' by Cristina Perri and 'All of Me' by John Legend.

3) How do you feel about Ziam? (Ch.2)

Totally ship them after watching a series on Youtube by I Like Your Skirt Mary. She does a great job of explaining. Y'all should check it out.

4) Fav. Things (Ch.2)

Colors: Blue, Black, Silver, and Green. Food: Pizza. TV Show: None. Movie: None, besides This is Us.e

5) Have you ever cried and had someone hold you? Or has someone else cried while you held them? (Ch.4)

Heck yeah. A lot. Let's just say my friends and I are quite emotional.

6) How good are you at cooking? (Ch.4)

I can cook. I just absolutely hate it. I loathe the idea.

7) Flirting techniques? (Ch.5)

I can't... That's why I asked you guys.

8) What's the most non-straight thing you've said or done? And the most straight thing you've done? (Ch.5)

Let's just say if someone walked in on a convo between my friends and I, they would think we were crazy lesbains. (I'm not. Although I can't say I'm super duper straight. :P) The most straight thing? (Oh, and if you gave me an answer with something sex related...tmi. But I still luv you.) Lol. Since when do I act straight?

9) Best gay or closet joke? (Ch. 5.2)

I can't even tell knock-knock jokes. Puh-lease.

10) How are you? (Ch. 5.2)

Great! Wishing the 4,000+ readers that read the description actually read the other chapters too, but great!

11) Do I hate myself now? (Ch. 5.3)

This was when Elounor first started. No...I don't hate myself. o.O Why am I even answering this question? It was intended for you guys, not me. But, I said I'd answer all the QfC. So, here it is.

12 )How long have you shipped Larry? How did you start?

I've shipped Larry literally since the day I entered the fandom back in June 2013. I'd get up at 8 in the morning during the summer and watch 1D videos till almost 3. Larry was mentioned in an interview, I could tell they were horrible liars, I searched them up and was convinced from the start. How can you not see their love? Like, seriously? I get that you don't want two really hot guys to be gay, but c'mon. It's so obvious. Yet, people still deny it? You don't see it because you don't want to see it, not because it's not there.

Sorry if I offended anyone, but not really.

You're Not My Brother: Larry Stylinson AU; StepbrothersWhere stories live. Discover now